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View/Open - Drake University

View/Open - Drake University


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ing to the policy intervention. If will is already there, so much the better. Indeed, the best<br />

~wedictor of ho\v a school will respond to state policy is its organizational culture when the<br />

policy becomes effective (Elmol-e. 2002). "Motivated professionals." those who possess the<br />

will to implemenl. Elmore continues, "senerally make every effort to do their job ell" (p.<br />

174). In fact. nationwide research is clear that many of the new state standards enacted during<br />

this era of ret'or~n had already been met by local districts prior to state legislation (Fuhrn~an.<br />

Clune, Kr Elmore, 1988) simply because the locals had the u~ill to do so. This uras consistent<br />

\ri:ith the much later findings of Clune (2001) and Hannaway and K~mball (2001) u.ho stated<br />

that "past experience in reform \\!as a strong predictor of current success" (p. 269).<br />

Successful implementation efforts have generally required a combination of pressure<br />

and support from the policy itself (Elmore Br McLaughlin. 1982: Fullen. 1986: McLauzhlin &<br />

Pfeifer. in press: h4ontjoy 6: O'Toole. 1979: Zald & Jacobs. 1978). Pressure alone is limited<br />

to situations uthere no additional resources or changes are required to facilitate<br />

irtil>lcnicntatio~i. \l'lic~i iupport i\ isnored. attitudes. belief$. and cu~rent practices of those lef't<br />

10 1111plc1n~nt c;111 0111!' he ;~slrunled. Support alone is also limited because of potentiall!.<br />

contlic.~ing priol-iti~s th;it e~i51 \\.ithi11 the in~plemenrin? organization. .\mbiguous or u.eak<br />

~.iiicicli~ic\ 111;iy ;ill(\\\. for c'o~iipcting coalitions to shape policy to fit their ends r Kinibrou_rh k<br />

I li 11. IOS I I. I'I.C\~LII.C ti)c.i~sc\ ;itte~ltion on the reform efkxt. \vhile iuppon ser\.es to enable the<br />

:ic-tual iriiplcnic~ita~io~i psocc~5.<br />

lkt;~ilc~i \1i1~1ics 01. [lie i~iiple~iic~~t;~ti~~~i<br />

psoccss teach 115 tti;it .*ch;i~i~e i\ ~~lti~n;i[ely a<br />

l>~-olile~il 01. 11ic \111;iIlc\1 i1111t.. ~l~~l,-;~~~gl~li~i.<br />

1087. 13, 174 ;ind the ~III~~I-I;~I~CC<br />

L)( the "street<br />

IL-\.L-I ~~III~~;I~IL*I~;I~."<br />

(\l'c;~~licrlc!~ ~k I-ipsk!.. 1077) \i.]icrc p(>lic>. siicces~ I\ cicpe~l~ie~it or1 ttic<br />

~~;~\s~.oots illll>lclil~~ll;itio~l ~~o~icliic'tcd I?!. [lie i~lcfi\ icll~;il ;I[ 111~ r'lid ~t'tl~c' line. EI11101.c' I Ie)S()I

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