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View/Open - Drake University


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questioned hy patrons ahour [he number of staff leaving and how that was impacting the<br />

distsict. "T'\le had five rcsoul.ce room teachers in five years," reported the elementary<br />

principal. So it lack of continuity aras mentioned as a real barrier to continued improvement.<br />

The hish school PI-incipal helieired that the district's proximity to Des Moines allonfed them to<br />

attract canclid~~tes for jobs that orher sniall districts in more remote rural areas of the state<br />

tnifht not he able to hie. He saw this as a real advantage for the district.<br />

Tho last piece of the support system for inlplen~entation of new mandates was the<br />

assistance recri\.ed f-rom the Heartland Area Education Agency in Johnston, Iowa. In<br />

particula~-. the dis~rict's assisned partner from the AEA had a strong reputation with study<br />

particip~tnrs as someone who n.as knowledgeable. and as someone n,ho was always ivilling to<br />

.jump in thc rrcnchcs \x.ith thorn. The earlier n.ork the district had done as part of a consortiurn<br />

in the de\.elopment of district-\{.ide achie\.ement Ie\.el testing (ALT) u:as a good fit for the<br />

rnnndittei of t4F 2271. and homethins that the AEA had heen in on n.ith the district since it's<br />

ilic.c*l3tiori. .l'llc C .~II.S~C~I~L~I~~ ~l~~-cc.tor \ic\\cd ~llc AE.4 in [his way: "Ii-e'\.e been prcrty blessed<br />

\\ irll go011 .\I:.\ ~ ~ L - ~ I ~ I'Ilc.! ~ I C . I~;I\ c. hcc11 \.itill p;irrner\ in our stafi de\.elopnirnt effort\."<br />

( )ri~( I. I);\r~-;(.f{ (/I.(, "./~ltr (;~,I~III,~ fi\ "<br />

Sc.\ L.I-;I~ 01. I he, irilc.s\-ir.u cc\ \\c~r~~lc.re~i ~iloud h(~\\- other small school disrricts that had<br />

rior I~c.c*ri ;IL.II\ c-I! c~rl;;~~~*ll ill \illO()l rtilpro\.crllcnl ini~ia~i\.c\ coulci be copins u.ith a11 of the<br />

II~;II~~~;II~*\. \\'III~L, 110 or^^ ill 11iik \~~l,ill \L-IIOOI di\tri~.~ c~p~~c~scd an!, concern\ ~1bc3~1t [he neu.I!.<br />

~~,lpo\c-tI ri1;111tl;t1~*\ L.;I\I\~II; IIIL~III to ;IC~-SL-L!~I;I~~OI~ os 10 t1;1\ c to ~lltit~~;~teI!~ consolidate or<br />

~ticr dis~sicts.<br />

.[.IlL- L - l ~ b r ~ 1 ~ ~ I.IIIC.I~;II<br />

c ~ ~ ~ ~ \I , ,I\ ~ ~ L ~ \ ~ ~ * L ~ I ; I I I \.~bc.;il \ . 111 \;I!.~IIS. "1 \cc oltlcl. distric

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