View/Open - Drake University

View/Open - Drake University

View/Open - Drake University


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policy IS clear and amhiyity is avoided. Third. understand "not one size fib all.' and not all<br />

communities \,;iluc the silme things. Finally, fund what you mandatl<br />

Lisroi 10 f110 cdrrtnron. Because of the professional and intimate nature of reaching,<br />

ps:stitio~~r~~ wanted, and believed they deserved a respectful hearing. Teachers didn't<br />

-.ediicalor\ buy into stuff that gets malldated top down unless they hal7e a voice in deciding."<br />

Teachers asked that designers (lawmakers) "stand in the shoes of the target and ask 'How<br />

does this rulc affect me'?"' (Stone. 2002, p. 300). Allowing non-teaching private sector<br />

profescionals to impact education mandates was an unthinkable act for many participants<br />

askins that legisl:~tors "get out of the perception business and into the reality business." Much<br />

of \\.hat had been mandated seemed so arbitrary to educators who "like knowing n.hat's going<br />

on." According to Elmore ( 1979- 1980). "the closer one is to the source of the problem, the<br />

greater one'\ ability to influence it: and the problem-solving ability of complex systems<br />

depends not on hierarchical control but on maximizing discretion at the point where the<br />

prohlc111 I \ IIIO\I 1111111cdii1te" ~p. 60.5). An elementw teacher added. "If it's important for me<br />

10 111;lAc cl1;ln~c'r In n~\ clarwmm. n hn ir raying I need to make changes. why are they sayin:<br />

I ncrd 10 11l;lhc ch:~nge\. ;~nd ;ire there change$ really beneficial to my students?" Cohen and<br />

Hill (I(W)I I rt~cger~e~i policymakerc are often not \\re11 informed "about the effects of their<br />

cnd~;~vor\: the\, m:ltc no attempt to learn sy

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