SCEG OATT Formula Transmission Rate Filing.pdf - SCANA ...

SCEG OATT Formula Transmission Rate Filing.pdf - SCANA ...

SCEG OATT Formula Transmission Rate Filing.pdf - SCANA ...


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20091231-0037 FERC PDF (Unofficia1) 12/29/2009<br />

Exhibit No. SCE-10<br />

Attachment H-2<br />

Page 7 of 20<br />

Attachment 1- Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes (ADIT) Worksheet<br />

ADlT-190<br />

A B C<br />

Production<br />

Or Other<br />

D<br />

Only<br />

<strong>Transmission</strong><br />

I!IJ>/ B!!ll!!i ~ ~<br />

-<br />

E F G<br />

Plant<br />

r!Otlflcatll<br />

Add Pension Ex and fAS 1~ from Ace( 283 0<br />

Subtotill- 234 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Less FASa 109 Above ilool se rate removed 0 0 0 0 0<br />

''''''<br />

0 0 0 0 0<br />

Inslrucliofls<br />

lor AccOtJnll90:<br />

,. ADIT ~ems related only to Non-Electric Operations (e,g" Gas, Water, Sewer) or Product;!)n are dired.ly assigned 10 COlumn A<br />

2. ADIT items related only 10 TransmiSsion are directly assigned 10 Column B<br />

3. ADlT items related Plant and not in Columns A & B are directly assigned 10 Column C<br />

4. ADiT items related 10 Labor and nol in Columns A & B are directly assi~ to Column 0<br />

5. Deferred income taxes arise when Items are included in taxable income in different periods lhan Ihey are included in rates therefore, ilthe item giving rise I(lthe ADIT is not<br />

included ill the rOfTTlUla,li1eassociated ADiT amount shall be excluded

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