SCEG OATT Formula Transmission Rate Filing.pdf - SCANA ...

SCEG OATT Formula Transmission Rate Filing.pdf - SCANA ...

SCEG OATT Formula Transmission Rate Filing.pdf - SCANA ...


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20091231-0037 FERC PDF (Unofficia1) 12/29/2009<br />

Direct Testimony of Michael J. Vilbert<br />

Docket ER 10- -000<br />

Page 19 of35<br />


NO. SCE-13<br />

Spread Between Moody's Utility and 20-yr US Treasury Yields<br />

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-- Spread Between Moody's A-rated Utility and US 20-yr Bond<br />

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Source: Data pulled from Bloomberg as of September 30, 2009.<br />

Figure 5<br />

Moody's Utility and US Treasury Bond Yields<br />

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FIgure 6<br />

Source: Data pulled from Bloomberg as of September 29, 2009.

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