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SCEG OATT Formula Transmission Rate Filing.pdf - SCANA ...

SCEG OATT Formula Transmission Rate Filing.pdf - SCANA ...


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20091231-0037 FERC PDF (Unofficia1) 12/29/2009<br />

South Carolina Electric & Gas Company<br />

or its designated agent<br />

FERC Electric Tariff<br />

Fourth Revised Volume No.5<br />

Revised Open Access <strong>Transmission</strong> Tariff<br />

Original Sheet No. 214-Z<br />

infonnation requests shall be limited to what is necessary to detennine if SCE&G has<br />

properly applied the Fonnula and the procedures in these Protocols, and shall not<br />

otherwise be directed to ascertaining whether the Fonnula is just and reasonable. In<br />

addition, such infonnation requests shall not solicit infonnation that solely relates to<br />

inputs that are stated values or cost allocation methods that have been detennined by any<br />

final order by the FERC pursuant to FPA sections 205, 206 or 306 with respect to<br />

SCE&G (including an order approving a settlement), except that such infonnation<br />

requests shall be pennitted if they seek to detennine if there have been material changed<br />

circumstances and to confinn consistency with the applicable order (and associated<br />

settlement, if any).<br />

c) SCE&G shall make a good faith effort to respond to infonnation requests<br />

pertaining to the Annual Update within 15 business days of receipt of such requests.<br />

SCE&G may give reasonable priority to responding to requests that satisfY the<br />

practicable coordination and consolidation provision above.<br />

d) Preliminary or Fonnal Challenges related to Material Accounting Changes are not<br />

intended to serve as a means of pursuing other objections to the Fonnula. Failure to<br />

make a Preliminary Challenge with respect to a Material Accounting Change to an<br />

Annual Update shall not act as a bar with respect to making a Fonnal Challenge as to that<br />

Annual Update nor shall failure to make a Preliminary Challenge or Fonnal Challenge as<br />

to any Annual Update act as a bar to a Preliminary Challenge or Fonnal Challenge<br />

related to any subsequent Annual Update to the extent such Material Accounting Change<br />

affects the subsequent Annual Update.<br />

e) Preliminary or Fonnal Challenges related to Material Accounting Changes shall be<br />

subject to the resolution procedures and limitations in Section 4, except that Section 4.c.<br />

shall not apply. In any proceeding initiated to address a Preliminary or Fonnal Challenge<br />

or sua sponte by the Commission, a party or parties (other than SCE&G) seeking to<br />

modifY the Fonnula in any respect shall bear the burden of proving that the Fonnula is no<br />

longer just and reasonable without such modification and that the proposed modification<br />

is just, reasonable and consistent with the original intent of the Fonnula and the<br />

procedures in these Protocols; provided, however, that in any such proceeding, in<br />

detennining whether the Fonnula is no longer just and reasonable without modification to<br />

reflect a Material Accounting Change and whether the proposed modification is just and<br />

reasonable, no offsets unrelated to the applicable Material Accounting Changes may be<br />

considered.<br />

Issued by: Charles A. White<br />

Vice President - Electric <strong>Transmission</strong><br />

Issued on: December 29, 2009<br />

Effective: March I, 2010

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