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As you can see from this example, once the bird has eaten, it is no longer hungry. Now<br />

consider the subclass SongBird, which adds singing to the repertoire of behaviors:<br />

class SongBird(Bird):<br />

def __init__(self):<br />

self.sound = 'Squawk!'<br />

def sing(self):<br />

print self.sound<br />

The SongBird class is just as easy to use as Bird:<br />

>>> sb = SongBird()<br />

>>> sb.sing()<br />

Squawk!<br />

Because SongBird is a subclass of Bird, it inherits the eat method, but if you try to call it,<br />

you’ll discover a problem:<br />

>>> sb.eat()<br />

Traceback (most recent call last):<br />

File "", line 1, in ?<br />

File "birds.py", line 6, in eat<br />

if self.hungry:<br />

AttributeError: SongBird instance has no attribute 'hungry'<br />

The exception is quite clear about what’s wrong: the SongBird has no attribute called<br />

'hungry'. Why should it? In SongBird the constructor is overridden, and the new constructor<br />

doesn’t contain any initialization code dealing with the hungry attribute. To rectify the situation,<br />

the SongBird constructor must call the constructor of its superclass, Bird, to make sure that the<br />

basic initialization takes place. There are basically two ways of doing this: calling the unbound<br />

version of the superclass’s constructor, and using the super function. In the next two sections<br />

I explain both.<br />

■Note Although this discussion centers around overriding constructors, the techniques apply to all methods.<br />

Calling the Unbound Superclass Constructor<br />

If you find the title of this section a bit intimidating, relax. Calling the constructor of a superclass<br />

is, in fact, very easy (and useful). I’ll start by giving you the solution to the problem posed<br />

at the end of the previous section:<br />

class SongBird(Bird):<br />

def __init__(self):<br />

Bird.__init__(self)<br />

self.sound = 'Squawk!'<br />

def sing(self):<br />

print self.sound

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