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Table 10-8. Some Important Functions in the re Module<br />

Function<br />

compile(pattern[, flags])<br />

search(pattern, string[, flags])<br />

match(pattern, string[, flags])<br />

split(pattern, string[, maxsplit=0])<br />

findall(pattern, string)<br />

sub(pat, repl, string[, count=0])<br />

escape(string)<br />

Description<br />

Creates a pattern object from a string with<br />

a regexp<br />

Searches for pattern in string<br />

Matches pattern at the beginning of string<br />

Splits a string by occurrences of pattern<br />

Returns a list of all occurrences of pattern<br />

in string<br />

Substitutes occurrences of pat in string with repl<br />

Escapes all special regexp characters in string<br />

The function re.compile transforms a regular expression (written as a string) to a pattern<br />

object, which can be used for more efficient matching. If you use regular expressions represented<br />

as strings when you call functions such as search or match, they have to be transformed into<br />

regular expression objects internally anyway. By doing this once, with the compile function,<br />

this step is no longer necessary each time you use the pattern. The pattern objects have the<br />

searching/matching functions as methods, so re.search(pat, string) (where pat is a regexp<br />

written as a string) is equivalent to pat.search(string) (where pat is a pattern object created<br />

with compile). Compiled regexp objects can also be used in the normal re functions.<br />

The function re.search searches a given string to find the first substring, if any, that matches<br />

the given regular expression. If one is found, a MatchObject (evaluating to true) is returned;<br />

otherwise None (evaluating to false) is returned. Due to the nature of the return values, the function<br />

can be used in conditional statements, such as<br />

if re.search(pat, string):<br />

print 'Found it!'<br />

However, if you need more information about the matched substring, you can examine<br />

the returned MatchObject. (More about MatchObjects in the next section.)<br />

The function re.match tries to match a regular expression at the beginning of a given string.<br />

So match('p', 'python') returns true, while match('p', 'www.python.org') returns false. (The<br />

return values are the same as those for search.)<br />

■Note The match function will report a match if the pattern matches the beginning of a string; the<br />

pattern is not required to match the entire string. If you want to do that, you have to add a dollar sign to the<br />

end of your pattern; the dollar sign will match the end of the string and thereby “stretch out” the match.

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