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finantare a vietii cotidiene a unei familii care<br />

nu dispune de mari resurse.<br />

Nimeni nu stie data precisa a primului<br />

LEASING sau a primiei inchirieri din istoria<br />

omenirii. Cu toate acestea, prima marturie reala<br />

a unei astfel de activitati dateaza din jurul anului<br />

2000 IC. In timpul sapaturilor care au avut loc<br />

in anul 1984 in orasul sumerian Ur, arheologii<br />

au descoperit prototipul primului contract<br />

de inchiriere. Acestea au fost tablitele de lut<br />

pe care partile expuneau obligatiile care le<br />

reveneau din inchirierea utilajelor agricole, din<br />

dreptul de a folosi sursele de apa etc. Tablitele<br />

de lut au indicat oamenilor de stiinta faptul ca<br />

primii finantatori au fost, ca de obicei, preotii<br />

care au trait in templele din orasul Ur.<br />

Prima companie de inchiriere<br />

Oamenii de stiinta au gasit dovezi ca intre anii<br />

400 si 450 IC in sud-estul Babilonului, prima<br />

companie de inchiriere din istoria omenirii a<br />

fost condusa de familia Murashu din anticul<br />

oras Nippur. Murashu era un conducator<br />

remarcabil pe piata serviciilor de inchiriere din<br />

Imperiul Persan. Membrii acestei familii erau<br />

specializati in leasingul terenurilor, dar puneau<br />

totodata la dispozitie si alte servicii, precum<br />

inchirierea bovinelor, echipament agricol și<br />

semințe de vânzare în rate.<br />

Leasingul in Evul Mediu<br />

In anul 1066 AD, Anglia a fost atacata pe<br />

neasteptate de regele norvegian si de ducele<br />

normand. La doua saptamani dupa inceperea<br />

expeditiei navele acestora au ajuns pe coastele<br />

Angliei. Nici regele norvegian, nici ducele<br />

normand nu aveau un numar suficient de mare<br />

de nave si nici timpul or banii necesari pentru<br />

a-si construi flota si pentru a plati desfasurarea<br />

unei astfel de expeditii. Pentru acele vremuri<br />

aceasta era o operatiune militare de anvergura.<br />

Britanicii nu puteau gasi o alta explicatie<br />

pentru acest fapt neobisnuit decat referirea<br />

Nobody has the evidence of the precise date of<br />

the first LEASE or rent deal in the history of<br />

mankind. However, the first real evidence of<br />

such activity dates to about 2000 BC. During<br />

the excavations, which took place in 1984 at<br />

the Sumerian city Ur, archaeologists discovered<br />

a prototype for the first rental agreement.<br />

These were clay tablets on which the parties<br />

set forth their obligations on rent agricultural<br />

implements, the right to use water resources etc.<br />

Clay tablets told the scientists that, as usual, the<br />

first lessees had been the priests who lived in<br />

the temples of Ur.<br />

The first rental company<br />

Scientists have found evidence that between<br />

400 and 450 BC to the South-East of Babylon,<br />

the first known in the history of mankind rental<br />

campaign was run by the Murashu family in<br />

the ancient city Nippur. The Murashu was<br />

an outstanding leader in the market of rental<br />

services in the Persian Empire. They specialized<br />

in land leasing, but also offered a number of the<br />

other services such as rent of cattle, agricultural<br />

equipment and seeds for sale in installments.<br />

Lease in Middle Ages<br />

In 1066 AD, suddenly, England was attacked by<br />

the Norwegian king and the Norman duke. In<br />

two weeks since the beginning of the campaign<br />

their ships reached the coast of England. Neither<br />

the Norwegian king, nor the Norman duke had<br />

owned a sufficient number of ships, and did not<br />

have the money and time to build their fleets<br />

and pay for running such a campaign. It was a<br />

serious military operation for those times. The<br />

British could not find any other explanation for<br />

the phenomenon, but to refer God’s blessing.<br />

Actually, everything was much simpler: the<br />

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