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Romania risca procedura de infringement<br />

pentru nerespectarea prevederilor<br />

Directivei europene in domeniul TVA<br />

Romania risks to face infringement<br />

procedure for failure to comply with the<br />

European VAT Directive<br />

Problema tratamentului TVA aplicabil bunurilor<br />

nereposedate de societatile de leasing, urmare<br />

rezilierii contractelor cu utilizatorii rau platnici,<br />

este foarte bine cunoscuta de piata de leasing<br />

financiar din Romania.<br />

Istoricul acestei probleme a debutat in luna<br />

martie 2011 si care, speram noi, se va incheia<br />

cu „happy -end” indecembrie 2012.<br />

Rezumand, amintim faptul ca legislaţia TVA<br />

în vigoare în prezent, prevede ca, atunci<br />

cand bunurile nu mai exista in gestiunea unei<br />

companii, exceptand anumite situatii expres<br />

mentionate in lege (bunuri disparute urmare a<br />

unor evenimente precum calamitati naturale,<br />

forta majora, furt dovedit legal), se impune<br />

autocolectarea TVA.<br />

In situatia particulara a vehiculelor acordate<br />

în leasing şi care nu au reintrat în posesia<br />

societăţilor de leasing la rezilierea contractelor,<br />

incepand cu luna martie 2011, normele de<br />

aplicare a Codului fiscal mentioneaza ca in cazul<br />

in care societatile de leasing nu recupereaza<br />

aceste bunuri in termen de 30 de zile de la<br />

data rezilierii contractului, au obligatia de a<br />

autocolecta TVA aferenta valorii de capital si<br />

dobanzilor ramase nefacturate.<br />

Asadar, prin aparitia acestor modificari in<br />

legislatia secundara privind TVA, societatile<br />

de leasing, deja profund afectate de criza<br />

economica, primeau o noua lovitura, prin faptul<br />

ca nu doar erau pagubite de anumite bunuri de<br />

catre utilizatorii care nu le returnau, dar li se mai<br />

cere sa plateasca si TVA aferenta acestora. Este<br />

adevarat ca legiuitorul acorda operatorilor de<br />

leasing un ragaz de 30 de zile in care societatile<br />

de leasing trebuie sa recupereze aceste bunuri<br />

The issue of the VAT treatment applicable to<br />

goods which cannot be re-possessed by leasing<br />

companies, following early termination of<br />

contracts with defaulting customers, is very<br />

well known by the Romanian financial leasing<br />

market.<br />

This all started in March 2011 and hopefully it<br />

will have a “happy-end” in December 2012.<br />

To summarize, we have to recall that the VAT<br />

legislation currently in force stipulates that, when<br />

goods no longer exist in a company’s inventory,<br />

with the exception of certain situations (i.e.<br />

missing goods as a consequence of events such<br />

as natural disasters, force majeure and legally<br />

proven theft), VAT self-charge is due.<br />

For vehicles subject to leasing agreements,<br />

which have not been repossessed by leasing<br />

companies following the early termination<br />

of the leasing agreements, the Implementing<br />

Rules of the Fiscal Code, in force as of March<br />

2011, stipulate that when leasing companies do<br />

not recover such goods within 30 days from the<br />

contract’s cancellation date, they are obliged to<br />

self-charge VAT on the value of the outstanding<br />

capital and interest.<br />

As a result of these amendments to the<br />

secondary VAT legislation, leasing companies,<br />

already deeply affected by the economic crisis,<br />

receive a new hit, as they are not only losing the<br />

goods the users do not return, but they are also<br />

required to pay the VAT related to these goods.<br />

While it is true that the lawgiver offers leasing<br />

companies a deadline of 30 days to recover the<br />

goods in question in order to avoid having to<br />

pay VAT for them, the term itself is entirely<br />

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11/5/2012 9:22:00 AM

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