Descarca catalogul - ALB

Descarca catalogul - ALB

Descarca catalogul - ALB


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pentru a evita astfel plata TVA la buget, insa<br />

acest termen este total nerealist, tinand cont de<br />

faptul de procedura legala de recuperare poate<br />

dura de la cateva luni, in cele mai bune cazuri,<br />

pana la doi – trei ani, in cazurile cele mai<br />

frecvente. Asadar, impactul financiar negativ<br />

asupra societatilor de leasing este unul foarte<br />

mare si, practic, potrivit actualelor prevederi<br />

legale, de neevitat.<br />

Trebuie spus faptul ca, pe cat sunt de<br />

surprinzatoare aceaste prevederi legale, pe atat<br />

sunt in neconcordanta cu legislatia europeana<br />

in domeniul TVA, mai exact cu prevederile<br />

Directivei TVA.<br />

Acum, problema descrisa mai sus pare a fi<br />

mai acuta ca oricand desi, in mod constant, a<br />

reprezentat o preocupare pentru operatorii de<br />

leasing din Romania. Acestia, prin Asociatia<br />

Societatilor Financiare – <strong>ALB</strong> Romania (care<br />

reprezinta 91% din piata de leasing financiara si<br />

63% din piata creditului de consum acordat de<br />

institutii financiare non-bancare din Romania),<br />

cu ajutorul constant al PricewaterhouseCoopers<br />

(PwC) Romania, au depus in permanenta<br />

eforturi pentru solutionarea ei.<br />

Astfel, este cunoscut faptul ca <strong>ALB</strong> Romania<br />

a depus toate diligentele, inclusiv la institutiile<br />

relevante de la Bruxelles, pentru semnalarea si<br />

solutionarea situatiei in discutie, care practic<br />

provenea dintr-o interpretare eronata a cadrului<br />

legal european relevant in ceea ce priveste<br />

tratamentul TVA aplicabil acestor bunuri<br />

nerecuperate.<br />

Eforturile <strong>ALB</strong> Romania au intrat acum<br />

intr-o noua etapa, care, spre deosebire de cele<br />

precedente, este caracterizata si de un nivel mai<br />

mare de incredere ca problema pentru a carei<br />

solutionare au fost intreprinse aceste eforturi va<br />

fi intr-adevar rezolvata.<br />

Concret, urmare corespondentei purtate intre<br />

<strong>ALB</strong> Romania si Comisia Europeana, aceasta<br />

unrealistic. It is therefore impossible for these<br />

companies to meet the 30 day deadline since<br />

the legal procedure for recovery may last from<br />

a few months, in a best case scenario, to twothree<br />

years, which happens most of the time.<br />

Therefore, the negative financial impact<br />

on leasing companies is overwhelming<br />

and, practically, according to the current legal<br />

provisions, unavoidable.<br />

It has to be said that, these legal provisions are<br />

as surprising as they are inconsistent with the<br />

European VAT Directive.<br />

However, the problem described above seems<br />

to be more acute than ever, even though<br />

Romanian leasing companies have constantly<br />

strived to overcome it. Their efforts towards<br />

a beneficial resolution have been channelled<br />

by The Financial Companies Association –<br />

<strong>ALB</strong> Romania (which stands for 91% of the<br />

Romanian financial leasing market and 63% of<br />

the market for consumer credit granted by nonbanking<br />

financial institutions) with the constant<br />

support of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)<br />

Romania.<br />

Thus, it is a well known fact that <strong>ALB</strong> Romania<br />

has diligently followed up on this issue with the<br />

relevant bodies from Bruxelles and not only.<br />

The purpose was to raise awareness and to find<br />

a solution for this issue which basically derives<br />

from the misinterpretation of the relevant<br />

European VAT legal framework as concerns<br />

the VAT treatment applicable for unrecovered<br />

leased goods.<br />

The efforts of <strong>ALB</strong> Romania have reached<br />

a new stage, which unlike the previous ones,<br />

is characterized by an even higher level of<br />

confidence that the problem will be indeed<br />

solved.<br />

Specifically, following the correspondence<br />

between <strong>ALB</strong> Romania and the European<br />

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