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Leasingul in prima jumatate a secolului XX<br />

In secolul XX leasingul a capatat o importanta<br />

si mai mare. Cresterea interesului in randul<br />

producatorilor de echipamente in leasing a<br />

devenit acum un stimul nou pentru dezvoltarea<br />

acestuia. La inceputul secolului, fabricantii<br />

au realizat ca este foarte greu sa obtina<br />

fonduri pentru achizitionarea concomitenta<br />

de echipamente scumpe si ca in majoritatea<br />

cazurilor este chiar imposibil. Un mare numar<br />

de producatori au definit leasingul drept un<br />

mijloc de a avea nu doar proprietatea, ci si<br />

tehnologia pe care se bazau echipamentele.<br />

De exemplu, compania de telefoane Bell a luat<br />

decizia de a da aparatele sale doar prin contract<br />

de leasing. Acelasi lucru s-a intamplat si in alte<br />

industrii atata vreme cat legislatia antitrust a<br />

fost adoptata, iar producatorii au fost fortati sa<br />

vanda aparatele.<br />

Leasingul a devenit o parte de viata in statele<br />

Unite si in Europa Occidentala in epoca<br />

masinilor. Prima tranzactie de achizitie a<br />

vehiculelor prin leasing dateaza din 1918. Cu<br />

toate acestea, Frank Zollia, un vanzator de<br />

vehicule din Chicago, este considerat drept<br />

parintele leasingului auto modern. El a fost cel<br />

care a propus nu doar inchirierea vehiculelor de<br />

transport individual la inceputul anilor ’40 ai<br />

secolului XX, ci si un leasing pe termen lung<br />

pentru un intreg parc auto.<br />

Leasingul ca politica de razboi – Conventia<br />

despre imprumut – leasing semnata de SUA<br />

si Marea Britanie a fost un instrument care a<br />

servit scopului lui Roosevelt in vederea acordarii<br />

catre Anglia a tuturor posibilelor ajutoare de<br />

razboi. Acest program a fost intitulat oficial<br />

Un act suplimentar de promovare a Apărării<br />

Statelor Unite. El s-a numit „Conventia de<br />

Imprumut – Leasing” si a fost semnat ca lege<br />

pe 11 martie 1941.<br />

Drepturile & obligatiile finantatorului si ale<br />

utilizatorului in cadrul conventiei de imprumut<br />

si leasing din 1941, definitia valorii reziduale<br />

Lease in the first half of the twentieth century<br />

In the twentieth century lease has become even<br />

more important. Now the increasing interest<br />

among producers of leasing equipment has<br />

become a new stimulus to its development. At<br />

the beginning of the century producers realized<br />

that it is very difficult to find the funds to<br />

purchase expensive equipment simultaneously<br />

and in most cases it is really impossible. A<br />

great number of producers defined the lease<br />

as a way of possessing not only property but<br />

the technology on which the equipment was<br />

based. For example, Bell’s telephone company<br />

made a decision to give its appliances only on<br />

lease. The same phenomena occurred in other<br />

industries as long as antitrust legislation was<br />

passed and manufacturers were forced to sell it.<br />

Leasing has become a part of life in the United<br />

States and Western Europe in the era of cars.<br />

The first transaction of taking vehicles on lease<br />

was fixed in 1918. However, a car salesman<br />

from Chicago, Frank Zollia is considered to<br />

be the father of modern auto leasing. He was<br />

the first who proposed not only to rent the<br />

individual transport vehicles in the early 40s of<br />

XX century, but a long-term lease of a whole<br />

car park.<br />

Lease as war policy - The Lend-Lease Act<br />

of 1941 signed by the USA & UK was a tool<br />

that served the purpose of Roosevelt towards<br />

providing Britain with all possible aid short of<br />

war. The Program was officially titled An Act<br />

Further to Promote the Defence of the United<br />

States. It was named “The Lend-Lease Act” and<br />

signed into law on March 11, 1941.<br />

Rights & Obligations of the lessor and lessee<br />

in Lend Lease Act of 1941, definition of<br />

residual value<br />

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