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infractionale - uneori transfrontaliere - in scopul<br />

fraudarii unei afaceri, obtinerea si folosirea<br />

neadecvata a fondurilor europene, incalcarea<br />

legislatiei privitoare la achizitiile publice,<br />

folosirea ilegala a fondurilor bugetar etc. Fie<br />

ca businessul, compania, prin persoanele cu<br />

drept de dispozitie este cel care incalca normele<br />

de drept penal, fie ca businessul este victima<br />

incalcarii de catre un tert a respectivelor norme,<br />

fie ca este vorba de persoane cu functii publice<br />

implicate in procese decizionale, vorbim<br />

despre o categorie aparte de infractiuni ce se<br />

circumscrie sferei afacerilor.<br />

Intrebare: Prin ce se deosebeste un departament<br />

de Drept penal al afacerilor de un departament<br />

de Drept penal, in cadrul unei case de avocatura<br />

Din punct de vedere managerial, noi am gandit<br />

si dezvoltat acest departament astfel incat sa<br />

asiguram activitatea de asistare si reprezentare<br />

a clientilor nostri de catre echipe mixte de<br />

avocati, unii specializati in arii ale dreptului<br />

ce tin strict de business (civil, proprietate<br />

intelectuala, fiscal, contencios administrativ,<br />

drept societar, bancar, vamal etc.) si altii cu<br />

competente speciale in domeniul dreptului<br />

penal. Constituirea unei astfel de echipe prezinta<br />

avantajul indiscutabil al unei depline intelegeri<br />

a tuturor aspectelor de business care au capatat<br />

sau pot genera o situatie ce sa implice incidenta<br />

legii penale.<br />

Pe de o parte, avocatii care asigura asistenta /<br />

reprezentarea efectiva a clientilor in cauzele<br />

penale cunosc in amanunt si sunt in masura<br />

sa expuna organelor de urmarire penala /<br />

judecatorilor modul in care businessul a fost<br />

afectat de sau a generat incalcarea legii penale.<br />

Pe de alta parte, conlucrarea avocatilor cu<br />

specializari distincte in cadrul echipei mixte<br />

creeaza posibilitatea pentru DPA de a oferi<br />

in cadrul serviciilor de consultanta juridica<br />

acordate in special companiilor, sfaturi<br />

avocatiale menite sa previna posibilitatea ca<br />

prin incheierea sau executarea unui contract, sa<br />

protection of the personal data, organising<br />

groups – sometimes cross-border groups – with<br />

the purpose of defrauding a business, attaining<br />

and using the European funds improperly;<br />

breaching the norms regarding public<br />

acquisitions, using illegally the budgets etc.<br />

No matter whether the business, the company,<br />

by the legal representatives is breaching the<br />

criminal law norms, or the business is the<br />

victim of such a breach by a third party or if we<br />

are talking about people with public positions<br />

involved in the decisional process, we are<br />

referring to a special category of crimes that<br />

includes the business environment.<br />

Question: What is the difference between a<br />

Criminal Business Law Department and a<br />

Criminal Law Department within a law firm<br />

From a managerial point of view, we structured<br />

and grew this department so that it enables us<br />

to provide our clients the legal assistance and<br />

representation by mix teams of lawyers, some<br />

specialised in areas of law that are strictly linked<br />

to business (civil law, intellectual property law,<br />

fiscal law, company law, banking law etc.) and<br />

others with special skills in criminal law. Joining<br />

such team offers the indisputable advantage of<br />

complete understanding of all business aspects<br />

that have or may generate a situation that falls<br />

under the incidence of the criminal law.<br />

The lawyers specialised in criminal law know<br />

in detail and are able to explain to the criminal<br />

authorities or judges the manner in which the<br />

business was affected by or led to the breach<br />

of the criminal norms. On the other hand,<br />

the cooperation of the lawyers with distinct<br />

specialisations that are part of the mix teams<br />

enables DPA to advice its clients, mainly<br />

companies, how to prevent the possible risk<br />

of breaching certain criminal law norms or<br />

to become victims of such breaches when<br />

concluding or executing a contract.<br />

Our clients, that are mostly financial institutions,<br />

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11/5/2012 9:21:59 AM

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