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in aceasta piata locala. Exista nevoia de a avea<br />

un cadru juridic si de a constientiza importanta<br />

acestor produse financiare pentru dezvoltarea<br />

economiei. Conjunctura economica era<br />

pozitiva, iar piata, inclusiv piata de leasing si<br />

de credit, cunoastea o intensa crestere. Aceasta<br />

crestere trebuia sa fie sprijinita de un anumit<br />

nivel de reglementare!<br />

Raspunsul legislativ a fost unul pozitiv, iar anul<br />

2006, chiar inainte de intrarea Romaniei in<br />

Uniunea Europeana, a marcat intrarea in vigoare<br />

a noii legi a leasingului special ameliorata, a<br />

legii institutiilor financiare nebancare, precum<br />

si a modificarilor aduse tratamentului fiscal si<br />

definitiei leasingului financiar si operational.<br />

Acest nou set legislativ este inca in vigoare<br />

si reprezinta baza legala pe care se sprijina<br />

aceasta industrie specifica. Aceasta baza a fost<br />

apoi dezvoltata din punct de vedere prudential<br />

de catre Banca Nationala a Romaniei.<br />

Mai exista inca voci care considera ca aceasta<br />

piata nu ar fi trebuit sa fie reglementata sau voci<br />

care au opinia ca nivelul pietei leasingului si al<br />

creditului de consum continua sa fie interesant<br />

dupa acesti ani de criza tocmai datorita faptului<br />

ca piata este reglementata, iar acest nivel<br />

de reglementare da in continuare incredere<br />

investitorilor prezenti si viitori.<br />

3. Gradul de constientizare al institutiilor<br />

financiare nebancare precum leasingul si<br />

creditul de consum din Romania are o mare<br />

importanta pentru toate partile implicate.<br />

Una dintre cele mai importante parti este<br />

reprezentata de puterea legislativa. Atentia<br />

indreptata asupra dialogului social ne arata ca<br />

rolul puterii legislative, fie ca e vorba de Executiv<br />

ori de Parlament, este acela de a actualiza<br />

cadrul legislativ la realitatea economica. Aici<br />

apare rolul Asociatiei de zona de tampon intre<br />

jucatorii din piata si factorii decizionali, inclusiv<br />

presa! Dupa cum puteti vedea in graficele din<br />

acest capitol, leasingul a avut un rol de mare<br />

importanta in 2008 cand finanta aproape 4% din<br />

further invest in this local market. There was<br />

the need for a legal framework and for official<br />

awareness of the importance of these financial<br />

products for the development of the economy.<br />

The economic conjuncture was positive and the<br />

market, including leasing and credit market,<br />

was growing intensively. This growth had to be<br />

supported by a certain level of regulation!<br />

The legislative response was positive and the<br />

year 2006, just before Romania’s accession<br />

into European Union, had marked the entering<br />

into force of the newly amended special leasing<br />

law, the non-banking financial institutions law<br />

as well as amendments to the fiscal treatment<br />

and definition of leasing, both financial and<br />

operational. This new legislative kit is still<br />

in force and represents the legal base for<br />

supporting this specific industry. This base was<br />

further developed from the prudential point of<br />

view by the National Bank of Romania.<br />

There are still voices that do consider that<br />

this market should not have been regulated or<br />

voices that do express the opinion that the level<br />

of leasing and consumer credit market keeps<br />

being interesting after these years of crisis<br />

just because the market is regulated and such<br />

level of regulation keeps the confidence for the<br />

present and future investors.<br />

3. The awareness of non-banking financial<br />

institutions like leasing and consumer credit<br />

in Romania is of great importance for all<br />

involved parties. One of the most important<br />

parties is represented by the legislative power. A<br />

focus on the social dialogue shows that the role<br />

of the legislative power, being it the Executive<br />

or the Parliament, is to upgrade the legislative<br />

framework to the reality of the economy. Here<br />

comes also the Association’s role as a buffer<br />

zone between the players in the market and the<br />

decision makers, including media! As you may<br />

see in the graphics in this chapter the role of<br />

leasing was of high importance in 2008 when<br />

it was financing almost 4% of GDP. It became<br />

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