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din urma s-a sesizat cu privire la cadrul legal<br />

incorect din Romania in privinta bunurilor<br />

nerecuperate de societatile de leasing in<br />

circumstantele descrise mai sus, motiv pentru<br />

care a avertizat in acest sens autoritatile fiscale<br />

din tara noastra. Avertizarea s-a concretizat prin<br />

declansarea împotriva României a primei etape<br />

a fazei precontencioase a acţiunii în constatarea<br />

neîndeplinirii obligaţiilor care îi revin în temeiul<br />

Directivei TVA.<br />

Acesta actiune din partea Comisiei Europene<br />

a provocat o prima reactie a autoritatilor din<br />

Romania, care, in luna august a acestui an,<br />

au abrogate, cu efect din 1 ianuarie 2013,<br />

prevederile din Codul fiscal ce impuneau<br />

autocolectarea TVA pentru bunurile constatate<br />

lipsa din gestiune. Aceasta abrogare va avea un<br />

impact direct si asupra societatilor de leasing,<br />

care, in teorie, n-ar mai trebui sa autocolecteze<br />

TVA pentru bunurile nereposedate.<br />

Totusi, potrivit noile reglementari TVA, care vor<br />

intra in vigoare la data de 1 ianuarie 2013, s-ar<br />

putea sa existe obligatia in sarcina societatilor<br />

de leasing de ajusta TVA dedusa initial pentru<br />

bunurile nerecuperate la care am facut referire<br />

in acest articol, obligatie care impune practic<br />

societatilor de leasing plata aceluiasi TVA la<br />

buget, doar ca acesta va fi calculat utilizand o<br />

alta formula.<br />

In acest context, este lesne de inteles<br />

nemultumirea din randul operatorilor de<br />

leasing din Romania, care asa cum spuneam<br />

la inceputul acestui articol, continua acum, cu<br />

eforturi sustinute, sa clarifice si sa solutioneze<br />

problema.<br />

Cu toate acestea, ramane sa vedem daca<br />

autoritatile competente din Romania vor<br />

folosi in mod intelept ocazia data de faptul ca<br />

normele de aplicare ale Codului fiscal urmeaza<br />

a fi actualizate in raport cu ultimele modificari<br />

din Codul fiscal, pentru a oferi un remediu<br />

companiilor de leasing pentru prejudicial creat.<br />

Commission, the latter took note of the<br />

incorrect Romanian VAT legal framework<br />

concerning goods which cannot be repossessed<br />

by leasing companies, in the above described<br />

circumstances, and, as a result, has given<br />

a notice to the fiscal authorities from our<br />

country. This notice was in fact the launch of<br />

the first phase of litigation against Romania, in<br />

the action of assessing its failure to fulfil the<br />

obligations under the VAT Directive.<br />

This action undertaken by the European<br />

Commission has provoked a first reaction in<br />

the Romanian authorities, which, in August<br />

this year (with effect from 1 January 2013),<br />

have abolished the Fiscal Code provisions<br />

that required companies to self-charge VAT<br />

on missing goods. This amendment will also<br />

have a direct impact on leasing companies<br />

who, in theory should no longer be required<br />

to self charge VAT for goods which cannot be<br />

repossessed.<br />

On the other hand, it seems that according to<br />

the new VAT rules, applicable as of 1st of<br />

January 2013, leasing companies may be<br />

required to adjust the VAT initially deducted<br />

for those goods that cannot be repossessed; this<br />

obligation basically requires leasing companies<br />

to pay the same VAT to the budget, but using a<br />

different formula.<br />

Within this context, it is easy to understand the<br />

discontent of Romanian leasing market, which,<br />

as we said at the beginning of this article, is<br />

actively trying to clarify and solve this issue.<br />

Nevertheless, it remains to be seen if the<br />

competent authorities will use the opportunity<br />

given by the fact that the Implementing rules<br />

to the Fiscal code also need to be updated and<br />

amended (in accordance with the changes to<br />

the Fiscal Code), in order to repair the damage<br />

done to leasing companies.<br />

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11/5/2012 9:22:00 AM

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