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Descarca catalogul - ALB


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consum, in special cele in devize (doritorii sunt<br />

obligati sa prevada garantii acoperitoare de cel<br />

putin 133 la suta din finantarea totala; durata<br />

creditului nu trebuie sa depaseeasca cinci ani;<br />

au fost introduse constrangeri suplimentare<br />

pentru debitorii expusi riscului valutar etc.) fara<br />

a impiedica insa accesul la creditele ipotecare<br />

imobiliare. Aceasta Reglementare include<br />

cerinta explicita pentru creditor de a-si informa<br />

si avertiza clientii asupra riscurilor asociate cu<br />

imprumuturile in devize”. In 2012 organismul<br />

de reglementare si-a exprimat in mod clar<br />

intentia de a extinde aceasta Reglementare la<br />

entitatile juridice cu privire la constientizarea<br />

si asumarea riscurilor pe care debitorul nu<br />

le poate intelege ori gestiona. Din punct de<br />

vedere al reglementarii, anul 2011 a fost marcat<br />

de adoptarea Standardelor Internationale de<br />

Raportare Financiara (IFRS) care implica<br />

schimbari ale cadrului de reglementare sub<br />

aspectul capitalizarii, provizionarii, nivelelor de<br />

lichiditate ale institutiilor de credit fara a include<br />

IFN-urile sub umbrela acestei noi reglementari!<br />

Aceste cerinte prudentiale noi legate de IFRS,<br />

care au scopul de a acoperi riscurile in mod<br />

adecvat, sunt extrem de asteptate pentru a fi<br />

implementate si in piata IFN-urilor.<br />

granting consumer loans, especially foreign<br />

currency-denominated lending (applicants are<br />

bound to provide collateral covering at least<br />

133%of the total financing; loan term shall not<br />

exceed five years; supplementary constraints<br />

for unhedged borrowers were introduced<br />

etc.) without hampering access to real estate<br />

mortgage loans. The Regulation includes the<br />

explicit requirement for the creditor to inform<br />

and warn its clients about the risks associated<br />

with foreign currency-denominated lending.”<br />

In 2012 the regulator has expressed its intention<br />

to extend this Regulation to legal entities with<br />

respect to awareness and assumption of risks<br />

that the debtor cannot understand or manage.<br />

Year 2011 was marked from the regulatory point<br />

of view by the adopting of the International<br />

Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) that<br />

meant changes to the regulatory framework<br />

in terms of capitalization, provisioning,<br />

liquidity levels of credit institutions without<br />

including the NBFIs under the umbrella of<br />

this new regulation! This new IFRS prudential<br />

requirements that are aimed to cover risks in<br />

an adequate manner are highly expected by the<br />

NBFI market to be implemented, too.<br />

In „Raportul anual al Bancii Nationale a<br />

Romaniei din 2011” cu privire la realitatea<br />

economica se arata ca „cele mai afectate<br />

au fost IMM-urile, deoarece rata de credite<br />

neperformante a acestora a avut cea mai rapida<br />

crestere si cel mai inalt nivel (20,9 la suta la<br />

sfarsitul lunii martie 2012). A crescut si riscul<br />

de credit cu privire la imprumuturile legate<br />

de bunurile de uz casnic, insa cu un ritm mai<br />

mic (de 9,0 la suta la sfarsitul lunii martie<br />

2012 de la 7,9 la suta la sfarsitul anului 2010),<br />

vulnerabilitatile cele mai mari ramanand cele<br />

de mare indatorare si cele privind devizele<br />

considerabile pe termen scurt.<br />

Rata creditelor neperformante din sectorul<br />

marilor clienti a ramas la 3,7 la suta la sfarsitul<br />

lunii martie 2012, cele mai importante riscuri<br />

According to the “2011 Annual Report” of the<br />

National Bank of Romania with respect to the<br />

economic reality “the hardest hit were smalland<br />

medium-sized enterprises, as their nonperforming<br />

loan ratio posted the fastest growth<br />

and the highest level (20.9%at end-March<br />

2012). Credit risk attached to household loans<br />

also expanded, albeit at a slower pace (to 9.0%<br />

at end-March 2012 from 7.9%at end-2010),<br />

with high indebtedness and the substantial short<br />

foreign currency position remaining the major<br />

vulnerabilities.<br />

The corporate sector’s non-performing loan<br />

ratio stood at 3.7% at end-March 2012, with the<br />

most significant risks coming from a relatively<br />

low debt servicing capacity and loose payment<br />

discipline among business partners. “<br />

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