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Descarca catalogul - ALB


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activitate. In timp ce dezvoltarea imobiliara<br />

cunoaste o evolutie negativa, contractele de<br />

sale & lease back dedicate zonei imobiliare<br />

au reprezentat o sursa alternativa pentru acei<br />

finantatori care au avut incredere si know-how<br />

in a supravietui in aceste vremuri dificile din<br />

punct de vedere macroeconomic. In consecinta,<br />

dinamica acestui sector ar trebui sa fie analizata<br />

mai mult caz cu caz si nu din perspectiva unei<br />

analize de nisa.<br />

In acest sens, cifrele de la H1 2012 comparate<br />

cu cele de la H1 2011, arata o crestere de<br />

la 1% la 57% in privinta ponderii finantarii<br />

hotelurilor, in timp ce ponderea finantarii<br />

cladirilor rezidentiale a crescut de la 5% la 6%.<br />

In contrast cu aceasta, s-au înregistrat scăderi<br />

in pondere ale finanţărilor cladirilor industriale<br />

de la 40% la 5%, ale terenurilor de la 31% la<br />

16%, a categoriei retail-outlet de la 5% la 1% şi<br />

a finanţării clădirilor de birouri clasa A, B şi C<br />

de la 18% la 15%.<br />

Datorita stimulentelor fiscale oferite de<br />

legislatia romaneasca in principal finantatorilor<br />

care sunt organizati ca agenti economici,<br />

clienţii persoane juridice au atras cea mai mare<br />

pondere (90%) din totalul finanţărilor, urmaţi<br />

de persoanele fizice (10%) şi de sectorul public<br />

(0%). Este interesant de mentionat faptul ca<br />

sectorul public nu are inca experienta utilizarii<br />

leasingului ca sursa de finantare, chiar daca<br />

legislatia parteneriatului public privat a fost<br />

armonizata cu respectiva Directiva europeana.<br />

Penetrarea leasingului in PIB-ul Romaniei<br />

indica o tendinta pozitiva in timpul perioadei<br />

premergatoare crizei si una negativa dupa<br />

criza financiara. Astfel, daca in 2008, primul<br />

an de declin pentru aceasta piata, indicele de<br />

penetrare este de 3,52%, in 2011 acelasi indice<br />

a atins nivelul de 0,99%. Cauza este una foarte<br />

transparenta si nu constituie un secret: criza<br />

financiara atat la nivel european, cat si la nivel<br />

local. Acest indice indica faptul ca piata de<br />

leasing din Romania este una emergenta care<br />

a supravietuit mediului macroeconomic foarte<br />

dificil la nivel european si acest fapt ne da<br />

field of activity. While the development of the<br />

real estate is on a negative evolution, the sale<br />

and lease back contracts dedicated to the real<br />

estate area, represented an alternative source<br />

of financing for those lessors that have proven<br />

confidence and know-how in surviving these<br />

difficult macroeconomic times. Consequently,<br />

the dynamics of this sector should be analysed<br />

much more on a case by case basis and not as a<br />

niche analysis.<br />

Thus, the figures of H12012 compared to H1<br />

2011, show an increasing from 1% to 57%<br />

related to the financing of the hotels in terms<br />

of weight, while the financing of the residential<br />

buildings weight increased from 5% to 6%.<br />

On the contrary, the financing of the industrial<br />

buildings decreased from 40% to 5%, land<br />

financing from 31% to 16%, retail-outlet from<br />

5% to 1% and the financing of the offices areas<br />

class A, B and C from 18% to 15%.<br />

Due to fiscal incentives offered by the Romanian<br />

legislation mainly to lessors that are organized<br />

as economic agents, the legal clients attracted<br />

the largest part (90%) of the total financings,<br />

followed by the individuals (10%). It is<br />

interesting to mention that the public sector<br />

has no experience yet in using leasing as a<br />

source of financing, even if the public private<br />

partnership legislation has been harmonized<br />

with the respective European Directive.<br />

The leasing penetration into Romanian GDP<br />

shows a positive trend during the pre-crisis<br />

period and a negative one after the financial<br />

crisis. Thus, if in 2008, the first year of decline<br />

for this market, the penetration index is at<br />

3.52% in 2011 this index has reached the level<br />

of 0.99%. The cause is very transparent and not<br />

a secret: the financial crisis both at the European<br />

and local level. This index indicates that the<br />

Romanian leasing market is an emerging<br />

one that has survived over the very difficult<br />

macroeconomic environment at the European<br />

level and that promises confidence in future<br />

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11/5/2012 9:21:53 AM

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