Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors


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born in this county in 1849. EIis father was born in Marylancl, in<br />

1805; inovecl wit11 his parents to Ohio in 1811 ; married Miss Nancy<br />

BIason in his twenty-seventh year ; came to Rochester, Ill., in 1832, and<br />

after a short time set~tled on sec. 21, Esses. Miss Mason was born in<br />

Ohio, in 1812, of Pennsyl~anin settlers in that state. 111 1862 tl~ese<br />

pioneers moved to ~ ~oinin~; thel~ce, in 1875, to see. 7, Esses, where<br />

Mrs. Jefferson Trjclile (lied in 1881 ancl her ilnsb:~ntl in 1SS3, as slro\vn<br />

in the cemetery recortls of this wo~li.<br />

Mason Tric1;le assisted on the 110111e far111 or :~ttencled scllool un ti1<br />

the age of t \r en by-one years, ~vllel~<br />

mnrrietl- Miss Sarali, tlaugl i tel* of<br />

Henrv ancl Clurincla ~hl\vel~. referred to in this clrapter. 1Ie i~eca~l life<br />

for hhsell' then, on section bl, wl~ere ire resitletl nilti1 IS75, \drc311 tlrc<br />

family i~lovetl to their present llo~lle, on section 7. The first section or1<br />

~vhicli they resided tlcnoting the age of thc owner at liis ularri;igc; the<br />

second, the numbera of his clliltlren. Politically 11e is intlepe~ltlc~lt. In<br />

townsl~ip m;~tters lle lras been lionoretl with illany offices ancl is now<br />

r 1<br />

highway coimnissioner. l he fairlily, on botlr sit~ks, co111e of rellresuntatlve<br />

pioneers, and lilie .t11e1n have cont~*il)utetl in every for111 to tlre<br />

wealth of the county 117l1ile 1x1 ildiug up their o\lTn interest,^.<br />

2yZvetster WrilX:i~sol, \v110 settled in this colunty in 1S4!), \tT;~.s bol~~<br />

October 11, 1542. His father, Solomon, was a ndtive of Nol8tll Carolina,,<br />

to which state his people for generations belongetl. llis ~r~ot~llera,<br />

Elizabeth, dnugllter of Willia~ri Ray. was botb11 ill 01110. In 1S4!) tllcty<br />

came here ~vitll their clliltlraen, ~naliing the journey in \vagons. ()If<br />

their chiltlren, born in tlris townsl~il), P"ances is tlie wit lo\\. o E .To1111<br />

Leffler ; Raellel 1n;~rried Aaron Curflnan, now of Nemi~ha cunn tg,<br />

Iian. ; Cllarity is tlie \rife of Levi Francis, of t,lra,t coontv ; N;~ncy is also<br />

~nnrrieil; Sylvester, ntmetl ;~l)ove; Alonzo and ~e\\:t~o~i. Sylrestcr<br />

was married here to Miss Eunice, tlangl~ter of .Jesse 12oblett, of hIoultrie<br />

county, Ill., n.110, lilie her f~usband, \\.as 1)olan in Jacliso~l county, 0.<br />

They are he ptrlaen ti; of t \\-o sons an tl three tlauglltc~as, nanlely : 131 izabeth,<br />

Everett, Cora, nntl (:l;~,ra(t~rins).<br />

ant1 Jessie. Ah. Williinsoll has<br />

filled several towns111p and sclrool olfices, anti is 21, sulq,ortcla of the<br />

Metl~oclist Episcopal cllurch. Ilis fmn of 360 acres is ;l.lrlong the best<br />

in tlie eount,y, :and lr is s tock-breetli ng esta blisllillent a1 1var.s marlied by<br />

a full line of fine cattle, lrol*ses anti hogs.<br />

Alo~~zo T1~ili~i~,sola, son of Solomon ancl Elizi~l~eth (12ay) W ill; irrson,<br />

mas born in Ohio, in 1844, as stated in the farnilv history in this elrn.1)-<br />

ter. I-Ie came here n-itfl his parents, ;uld for tlr&ty years rrsitled with<br />

them, assisting in malting antl iinlwov~ng the old holneste;~tl. In IS74<br />

he married Miss Esther F., daughter of Owen and Sara11 (Pierce)<br />

. Thomas, whose history appealas in the cllal)ter on Toulon. This 1;dy<br />

was born here in 1855, two years after her fatl~er's settlenient in the<br />

county. 0-f five clllltlrcn i1o1.n to tllcnl, tllere are living - Elnrnit Ti.,<br />

Cordia N., Jaines P. and Alonzo; tlle eltlest, Solomon O., is n~unhcl*ed<br />

alnong tlre tlentl. Mr. \Vrilliinson 11:~s al~vays been a son of intlustry,<br />

ancl has socceetled in inalcinq :L fully improvetl ;~ntl fertile farin of three<br />

hundred ant1 fo13tg acres in hssex. In reli.;.jous affairs the family belong<br />

to the hIetlioclist cl~urch, ancl in polltical life he is a Delnoc~*at.<br />

His neiglhors linow him as genial, intelligent citizen.

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