Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors


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Nissouri ; William resides here ; Nelson, cleceasecl ; Mary E. is in Missouri;<br />

B. F. in Iowa; C. W. in ICansas; IkIilargwet A. at Philo ; Jol~n<br />

in Missouri ; Thoinas IPlilo, and Clx~~lotte ill IoIJ.,~. Sainuel ~vas<br />

one of the first to respond to the call for troops in 1861, then entering<br />

the Twenty-first Missonri Infantry, served ninety clays and enlisted in<br />

the Fourth Iowa Cavalry, serving to the close of the mar; IY~S proinotecl<br />

several times for bravery in clifferent battlles. Willimll Petelason<br />

removed to Lee county, Io~vs, wit11 Iiis parents when eight years oltl,<br />

and at the age of eighteen ei~listetl in the Fifteenth Ieuia Infantry,<br />

participated In the battles of Shiloll. Bolivar, Ida ant1 Corintll ; was<br />

ciischargecl for wouud received at Corintll, Miss., in October, 1869. 011<br />

returning he .inarrietl M1.s. Bla1.y Wootlin, tlanghter of Jumies and<br />

Elizabeth (Town) Jnclison. ~fter his marriage tlley settled on tlleir<br />

mesent Valley fi~rin, wllere a1 l their ch ildrelz were 1)om : Flo~ence,<br />

barY, ~arnes &w., ~elle, Albert M., I-Ienrv A., Orion E., all residin~ a,i<br />

home, and one, I-Ienry, tleceased. In politics he is tlecidetlly Repnblkan,<br />

but takes no active uart in uolitical contests-his fiL1*1n i~ntl stock claiming<br />

the attention of hll his business 11oul.s. Ililnself and f:uuily are a11<br />

members of the Congregational church, inlcl pronli nent in all matters<br />

relating to the welfare of the county. In Masonic circles he belongs<br />

to the Chapter. James Jackson, liis fatlier-in-law, was born in Yorkshire,<br />

Eng., in 1796 ; married Miss Town, of Lontlon, when twentj7-<br />

five years olcl ; six years later ccwe to America antl settled in Dntoiless<br />

county, N. P., nntl in 1841 illovecl to Peoria county, 111., and to Stai.1~<br />

county in 1852. Here James Jaoksorl (lied in 1870 i'n his seventy-fifth<br />

year, &nd his wife in 18'76 in lier eighty-seconcl year, learing seLTeu children,<br />

of whom four are living-Mrs. Peterson 1-)ei11 the youngest<br />

member of the family.<br />

John Skhcmck, who died at Watly Petm April 27, ISSO, agetl fiftyeight<br />

years, was born in Preble county, Ohio, January 16, IS23 ;<br />

movecl wit11 his family to Valley tbwnsl~ip in 1854. 111 1875 11e 11~1rchased<br />

the Chase store ant1 was in business there until his tlerztll.<br />

A. J. Sir)~nze,*i),ayh, soil of Jacob an tl Malint la (Slleets) Sirnlnerinan,<br />

was born in West Jersey, October 11, 1846. llis fatllei* \vas a native<br />

of Wythe county, V;L.; born in 1815. Came with liis lx~l*ents to IIancock<br />

county, Ill., in 1833, overland, allcl in 1835 to Stark county. 1-le<br />

morlred on the father's eighty acre farin until 1838, ~vhen ile irlelaried<br />

Miss Sheets, and tooli up tlleir resitlence on a. larrn ~vllich lle purchasecl<br />

near the David Sirnlneri~lan far111 in West Jersey. Eig!rt years after<br />

his young wife died here, Ieavin$ three boys. Sorne few pears later<br />

Jacob traded lris far111 For snotlier in that township ant1 resided on his<br />

new farm until 1860, 1v11en 11e ntovecl to iris father's i~olnesteacl, relnaining<br />

there until his migration to Linn county, Iowa, in the spriilg of<br />

lrj84. In 1848 he inarrled, for second wife, $lias. Perrnelia Lane. To<br />

the first marriage mere born : James 13.. deceasecl ; George I-I., now in<br />

Filhnore county, Ku'eb.; and A. J., the subject of this sl~etcll. To the<br />

second marriage ~vel'e born : 4Ialinda,, Sara11 A,, Albert and Lyclia, all<br />

of whom are mt~rriecl and'resiclents of Linn coan ty, Iowa. I< politics<br />

he was a Democrat; in religion a illetl~odist, antl in bile social and business<br />

circle one of the county's first and most useful pioneers. A. J, ,

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