Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors


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*<br />

Ma~ks joined the I'resbyterian cllnrch in Ohio long yeam ago, and has<br />

since been a, consistent member. Mr. 3Carlcs was a Whig ,:"I' to IS%,<br />

wl~en he joined the Rep~~blican p;~rt~p, of whicl~ he continues to be ,z<br />

st;lunch sapporter.<br />

p/;o~ms ;Ilu/afi~j, son of TVillialn ;mtl Jane AIwtin, was born in England<br />

Octol )er 22, 1 S3i-L Ahont 1 S3'i llis parents migrated to Canada<br />

and settletl ileitlla l'itri~, \rherc Jallles resi tletl un til lS54, when he c;unle<br />

t,o i,ikfnret te. IIe lea~netl the carpenter's tra tle flaonl his 1)rotller-in-<br />

1 ,. 4. i l l ; subseclnentlr i~ttentietl the So~tlle~an <strong>Illinois</strong> Institute<br />

at Ilenl:\r. ant1 1-eturllillg to I,:~fnvette has fullo\reti lris t~~acle do\\-n to<br />

tlre 1 wesent tinltt, I,c:in~ counted '.;~mong tlre sltilled mechanics of the<br />

com;ty. In 15G1 11c ;'lrnl*rietl Miss l11;;,v7 t1;luglrter of Zeba iUicholls,<br />

of Susses county, Sr\v Jersey, and sister of Dl1. Sicholls. of Lafayet<br />

te. l'lrel- :ire tllre 1):~rents of foul* ctlilcliaen : iltt'ie 13.. 'CVillia~~. Ecl-<br />

~~~aril C+. a.ntl 1:ol~ert j. Effie A[. tlietl hI:k,v 30, 1886, aged twenty-two<br />

ve;iys. Mr. t~lrtl Mrs. 1l;lrtin are ~lze~nl)eras of tlle 3let4lloclisi; cll~irch.<br />

IIe is an official of tl~~t clnuacl~ ; has ser\*etl us tlanstee of the village<br />

serer;~l ternrs, antl also as coustal~le nut1 collector. For years he roted<br />

\ritll the 1tel)ublic;~n p;wtjr, hot since the organization of the Prohibition<br />

1);~~ty has plaoren one of its warmest. supl)o~ters.<br />

Ifri/lito)c. iIfas07~, i~olan in 1hrette county, Pa., 1806,. moved wit11 his<br />

parents to Ollio in 1814 antl to'11linois in lS37, \\-llere his father (lied<br />

in 1S511. Ire settletl two antl one-half miles south of Lafayette, until<br />

11e movetl so~~tll of Toulon in later years. IIis \rife, JIsttie 31cWill- -<br />

i;~,ms, diet1 Augnst 10, 1854.<br />

./n/~z il . iIl;l,~;fil>Z(l. ( Vile ge~~eonZ tc71 d toul, shill h istolay.)<br />

t!h2t2i i~~(r.1;f'~~l~7, I)orn in Sew I1t~111l)shi re, moved \r i tll parents to i\laine<br />

ill inf;~ncv. alltl tllere in li~ter vews bought the sontheast cru;~~~tel* of section<br />

30, &tnrlr countly, \\.Irere ile settlecl911 18:30. ( Ti'([& !-e;ic.r[l histo~y.)<br />

I/w/~!/ Jlr*C'le~rc~hc~/r. so11 of' Eli jall and Elizabeth (C'mnp) BIcClenahnn,<br />

natli ires of l'ennsy I ran ia, \\-as i)orn in Pentlieton county, liy., in<br />

IT!)S. Ilis 1~~1~c~nts lnoretl to lientr~cliy at an early tl;lIy, thence to Ohio.<br />

In IS31 settletl in T;izemell county, Ill.. anti ;I \-ear or so later<br />

~noretl into the Spoon Iiirer neigllborllootl. settling in \drat is 11ow<br />

Esses to\rnsl~ i 1). Cotl~ were ei~rly ~netllbers of the Cll nlscll of (-'llrist,<br />

Ire~e. E:lij;~,lr (lied in Esses, 111 1851. Eollo\vi~lg his wife to the grave,<br />

wllo tlietl there in IS+. Of tlrei r cll i ltlren-John, lIenlar. Sarah. Anna,<br />

Elizal~etli, J;~,rle, Jemil~l:~, Maria, Elsie, Jatlies. PLobt311t :

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