Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors


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Jnmes Nicl~olson, a native of Scotlancl. caune to the United Stt~tes<br />

in 1819, locating in St. Ti~wrence co~ul~ty, r\:. Y., where 11e resitletl iultil<br />

1838, cvhen lie migrated to Sangamon ceanty, Ill. In IS42 Ire settlecl<br />

in this township ancl diecl here in 1856, agecl'sistv-six years. llis \\rife<br />

died prior t'o the re~noual of the fanlily d30i~l l'ork sti~te. Six of his<br />

chilclren settlecl in Stark county, na111elj : David, Jane, \rite of Ja,mes<br />

Johnson, Toulon ; James, cit'izen of California, Elizabetl~ (dece:lsed),<br />

Peter, in Nebmska, and William, of Compt~ny 13, Tliilat \r-sevezlt8h <strong>Illinois</strong><br />

Volunteer Int;znti~y, 11711o tlietl in ilospital at St,. LO&, Mo., in IM2.<br />

Davicl Nicholson was born in Scotlland, irl 1 SIS, ncco~npanietl his palaents<br />

in all their travels, but precetlecl liis 1;r.tller in settleil~ent heiae,<br />

having located one-half mile west of llis present llollie in 18-4-1, ant1<br />

entered the eighty acres on which his house norv stantls. 111 F~~I-LI:IIB>T,<br />

1843, lie marned Jane, daughter of Thonlns Jollnson, tlle~l resitling<br />

near Springfieltl, Ill. After the cerenloll )r 11e 11;d oilly t\rcnt~-!-ivc<br />

cents left to begin life on, and this inrestrnent is now i.epresetlt&1 by<br />

485 acres of well i~npi-ovetlantl - all the iaesult of his own thrift aa;l<br />

enter~~rise. Of the eleven children bovn to Mr. Niclioison ten ;we li\ri<br />

n e l : Louisa, &Iiurgaret, Janles an tl Tlioml~s, t\r ins, &[ill'\.,<br />

Eobert Daricl J., Carrie, Williain F., Francis l:., ant1 Nancy (tlecenseti).<br />

Mr. an tl DiZrs. Nicl~olson iit~ve been ine~nbers of tlie Coi@reg;.at i O1l:ill<br />

chnrcl~ at Totllon for over thirty years. Poli tici~lly 11c is :L Ltel~oblici~it.<br />

Eric Ci. fIro745a~*g, JI~;LS born in W;LSIIO C O L ty, ~ in tlie Uisti*ict of Westel*-<br />

o.otlancl, S~vetlen, June 22, 1813. There his' fatller tlietl in Marcll, the<br />

b<br />

tollowing year, ant1 with his inother, Eric ~vorlted on tl~c fi~rnl ant1<br />

attendecl school. S~tbsequentlg he cle~ked in n factory for one \TeiLy,<br />

then \vas appointed an officer of the gorerllrrlent in one of the counties,<br />

-<br />

which position he filled up to May, 1342, wllen lle eltlig~aatetl to Ainericn.<br />

On his iinmigration lie settled near &lilwaukee, Wis. 111 1 S44 11e<br />

moved to Luclington, Miell., n-l~ere he \vns the first settler. In 1S4S<br />

he joined the Bishop Hill colony, at~cl in 1863 settletl in Goshen township.<br />

I-Ie was married at 13ishop Hill to Miss 13ritta .lol~nson'in 1S4S.<br />

Of their tlrree chiltl~aen, two are living : Calaoline, wife of Jolln A.<br />

Jones, nrltl C+ustavus, an attorney of Iloldrege, Neb. 311. Norbe~g is,<br />

in religious life, :L S\~-etlenbo~*gian ; in politics Ile is very 1 il)e1*:~1, a1 \v;i~s<br />

votino- for men rat her than for party.<br />

~ichael i\TOflI~1), one of the old settlers of Stark county, was 1jo1an<br />

in Carlow county, Ireland, in IS00 ; emig~aatetl to Ne\vfonntllmltl in<br />

yo~lth, ant1 there, lor se~era~l years, ~vas engagetl in tile Hsl~eries. &Ita.<br />

&owlan was m:~rried in Newf'oon tllantl. Moving in to the IJni tetl<br />

States tire family made a holrle at Boston for soltle time, ;nu1 nest settled<br />

at ~orcester, PliIass., the fa tllel3 being eng;r,geetl in the construction<br />

of America's first r;lilro;~d. In IS40 he sougllt the westen) paairies as<br />

a home for llis Iaxge fa~rlily, ant1 came to this county oi(h the Atlantic,<br />

Gulf of Mexico, JIississippi antl <strong>Illinois</strong> rivers - he t~~ip, even fortvseven<br />

years ago, being a long ;~ntl\wary one. IIe settletl on the w&t<br />

half, soutl~ruest quaiatel*, section 22, Goshen, \\;~llting to Rock Isl;~ntl PIL<br />

. roqcte to C+alena, to 1n:rke tlre entrv. Subsecluently he entered the<br />

north half, nortlieast cln;~rtel*, section 28, but lllatle liis home 011<br />

the honleste;ul of 1840, \rl~ei*e liis witlow still resitles. IIis sons. Patrick,

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