Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors


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Simmerman passecl all his earlier years on his grandfather's (Peter<br />

Sheets) lands or attending school in the district. He mas but six<br />

months olcl when his motller died. He residecl mith grandfather<br />

Sheets tn-enty-one years, and in 1868 movecl to his fann of ninety acres<br />

on section 18, Valley, with his young wife-Miss Susan M., daughter of<br />

Jonathan and Loraney (Fowler) Luce, of Indiana,, to whom he hacl<br />

been married only a short 'time. To them six children mere born:<br />

l\iIary L., Isailora M., Ada J., Daisy B. Ernest M., and Roy, all laesiding<br />

her& His wife was born near Indiannpolis in 184s. In 1852 inoved<br />

wit11 her parents to Folton county, and in 1855 came to Essex, reinaining<br />

wit 11 Jefferson Triclcle's family until her marriage. Nr. Simmerinan<br />

has now 270 acres of prime land, ancl since 1867 has taken all the<br />

l'art's credited to lliin in history.<br />

Eilwin to hare, son of John P. ancl Nancy (Ii~~f~~lan) Snare, mas born<br />

in Penn tolvnship, Ill., April 24, 1849. Iris fasther was a native of<br />

Pennsylvania of Ueri~lan descent. Edwin received a practical education<br />

on the farm ancl in the clistrict schools. In 1872 he married Miss Nellie<br />

J., daughter of Harlo\v and Harriet (Stouffer) Brown, of Penn township,<br />

and soon after purchased a farin there, on mhich he resided until<br />

1879, when he sold his interests there, and removing to Valley, purchasecl<br />

his present brm. Of three children born to Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Snare, only one - an infant, is living. This little one with an aclopted<br />

daughter constitute their family. He is a supporter of the M. P.<br />

church, in political life a Republican, and in everyday affairs a liberal<br />

he1 per of every enterprise which gives promise of public benefits.<br />

( vide also sketcl~ Byown c6nd 8nnre family, perm township.)<br />

C'aptain Jo7m Speers, son of Henry and Esther (McCreary) Speers,<br />

mas born in Washington co~~nty, Pa., January 13, 1822. His grandfather,<br />

of German descent, mas a Baptist preacher of Pennsylvania,<br />

and clied there in 1540. His motller ~vtls of Scotch-Irish ori$in. Of<br />

her nine chilclren, three are now living : William, in California ; Plessy,<br />

wife of E. Baker, of Springfielcl, Mo., uilcl John, of Valley township.<br />

Samuel Speers, uncle of John, served in the Revolution, and was<br />

~vounded - remaining a cripplecl victim of Britisll tyranny up to the<br />

period of his death. Abraham, a brother of our subject, servecl in the<br />

Mexican war. His father was a soldier of 1818, and mas present at<br />

the capture of New Orleans by ;' Old IIickory." IIe avenged there<br />

the rno~~nds i~lflictecl on his older brother by the British during the<br />

Revolution. Captain Gpeers passed his early years on the farm or<br />

attent1 ing school. At the age of fifteen he entered a lnaclline shop,<br />

re11:nlained five years there, ancl then tool< the position of engjneer on a,<br />

western river steamboat. For thirteen years 11c nTns in th~service,<br />

being captain of the vessel for tv70 gears. Early in IS55 he came to Valley<br />

torvnship, purchased a, quarter section to which he has since added<br />

360 acres together* with presenting eiglrllty acres to one son, 120 acres<br />

to another and the cash equivalent of eiglltr acres to a. third son. He<br />

also owns a section in Washington county, Kan., half of ~vhicll is fenced<br />

ancl stocked. In 1844 he ~narried Miss Sarah Cart~vrigl~t, a native of<br />

England, who came to the United States mith her aunt, Nrs. Sarah,<br />

wife of George Price, a machinist, who settled at Bromnsville, Pa.,

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