Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors


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grown to manhood here, and like their father, fill a place in the<br />

economy of the county completely. Myron Y., who resides on the<br />

homestead with his mother, was born July 90,1860, in the present home.<br />

On September 15, 1884, he marriecl 3i'iss Kate, claughter of James<br />

and Mary (Aly~vvard) Walsh, of Peoria. To them a little girl, Malincla<br />

N., has been. born. Thus runs the history of a fam~ly who for<br />

almost fortv years hare adclecl largely to the ~vealtli of this district,<br />

while aiding themselves.<br />

Willia~n, ZcConzelJ, son of Robert and Martha (Scott) McConnell,<br />

was born in Down county, Ireland, in the year 1814. At the age of<br />

twenty-five years he ma~riecl Miss Susanna Jelly, daughter of Jol~n<br />

and Margaret (McBride) Jelly. In 1854 they came to America ancl<br />

settled with the son of olcl Bishop Chase, at Jubilee, Peoria county, Ill.<br />

Here they spent nine years, then re~novecl to Valley township, Stark<br />

county, and purchased a farm of eighty acres on sect~on I. Three<br />

children have come to their home, namely: M~~gii'et (Mrs. S. Malone,<br />

of Stark county); Mary Ann (Mrs. J. Kelly, of Valley township), and<br />

Martha, residing at home. Mr. McConnell and his family are members<br />

of the old Presbyterian church, in which faith he and his wife were<br />

both reared. He has always been a Democrat.<br />

Sarah McGinnis, born September 20, 1812, is the daughter of John<br />

and Elizabeth (Harris) Montgolnery. The former,'born in North Carolina<br />

in 1'764, at the age of sixteen enlisted as a solclier in the .Revolutionary<br />

War, and served until liberty was secured. At the close of<br />

the war he movecl to Russell county, Va., ancl taking from the government<br />

a title to a piece of land-, called a "corn right," began its improvement.<br />

His first wife, to whom he was marriecl at the close of<br />

the Revolution. removed with him to Virginia. where after several<br />

years she died,'leaving him a family of eigG uthficlren, four boys and<br />

four girls. He was again married to Miss Elizabeth FIarris, of Virginia,<br />

with ' whom and his family he moved to Russell county, Va.,<br />

where he purchasecl lancl and continued farming for a time. when once<br />

more he removed with his family to Floycl county, 1i.y. At the<br />

end of three years he took his family in wagons, and, carefully avoiding<br />

the I'ndians, arrived safely in Frnnlrlin county, Ind. There he remained<br />

for seven years, when he ancl his faithful wife removed with<br />

the subject of this sketch, who in the meantime hacl married, to Peoria<br />

county, Ill., in 1835, where he died in 1845 in his eighty-second year;<br />

some ei hteen months later his wife follo'c~~ed him. This union IV~S<br />

blessed % y four children (the first two boys diecl in infancy), and two<br />

girls, Sarah ancl Susanna, the latter deceased, leaving Mrs. McGinnis,<br />

the sole representative of the family. At the aFe of eighteen she mas<br />

married to Geo. I. McGinnis, settled on a farm in Park county,<br />

Ind., where she remained some nine vears, and then with her husband<br />

and two chilclren moved to where ~;i'inceville now stands. There Mr.<br />

McGinnis died at the age of seventy-two years. Mrs. McGinnis still<br />

resides upon the farm, one and a hilf miles north of Princeville. Of<br />

their twelve children nine are still living, namely : Susanna, Sarah Ann<br />

(deceased), John, James, Nmcy, Mary, Elizabeth, Temperance (deceased),<br />

Jane, William (deceased), George I., Charles H. Susanna,

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