Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors


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the eldest daughter, now the wife of C. EX. Fuller, of Galesburg; Ill.,<br />

master tri~iu-dispatcher in the eillploy of the Chicago, Bul*lington ct;<br />

Qnincy R~ilr~i~d Colnl)any, the!. ]laving one son, Fred. C., married to<br />

Nellie Ilill, also of C+alesl)~~rg, they res~cling in Blooluington, Ill. he<br />

being in tlre elnploy of the ~liici~o, Btifington L! Qulncy Railroad<br />

Coinlmny at that ilace. Abbie, secollcl dnagliter of Gicleon B. and<br />

Sam11 A. Gillette, wife of F. J. Eosh, banker at Clear Lalie, Ia.., hare<br />

two children, Mabel and Grant A,, Bf;~bel heing the wife of A. D. Daris,<br />

with Perry C! Go., Cliicago, Ill., the\. llaving one little claagllter, Maud<br />

E. Grant A. is all attorney at law, Cincoln, Neb., a menlber of the firin<br />

of I>alanes C ! ELIS~I, married Mabel A. Ihrnes, of Lincoln, Keb. AIary<br />

J une, tllirtl dangliter of Gitleoi~ 13. alrtl Salsa11 A. Gillette, married<br />

James Ijalen tine, of Toulon, Ill. Alary Jane. now tleceasecl, leaving<br />

two clliltlren, Charles iintl Blanche. It is said of (+ideon C. Gillette<br />

by tlrose to 1~110111 he mas best known, that an eneln! \vas unltno\vn to<br />

him. On the contiaary, lie was blessed mitlr tlie lral'l~y faculty of il1nl;ing<br />

many friends ; the poor always fount1 in lliin ib ~villing. helper. . He<br />

was public spirited anti successful in 11 is business 11 ntlertaliings, ant1<br />

llatl he lived ~\-o~~ld have been, no doubt, iis lle inteutletl, an extensire<br />

lanil ownela. IIe tlietl as he had always liveti, a t~ue Christian.<br />

J. T. .(:cw(ln,e,~ settlecl on the west line of Toulon in 1SG6, porclrasing<br />

i~t this time seventysix acres there. In ISSO he sold tllis falam and purcllnsed<br />

his present eighty acres in Goshen. He ~vas born in Atlains<br />

county, Pa., Marc11 27, 1S33, of ~vhich county his parents, Bnrn11a~rl.t<br />

; L I ~ Mary Gardne~ (~vhose lnaiclen nnllie was l\i[ary Trostle) \\-ere<br />

nat i ires. T. J. Gsrdner le;~,rned tlie nliller's trade fro111 his father, and<br />

ivorkecl with lliln in his 111ill until 1854, v-llen lie came to Fulton<br />

county, Ill. He \~~\.ns engaged in agriculture there nntil 1862, when he<br />

moved to the Pacific coast, and there, in Oregon and Idaho, nT\.;ts enc)*ao.etl<br />

in inining. until 1865, when he mounted an Indian pony and<br />

b h<br />

made the return journey to Fulton countr in safety. In IS55 Ile married<br />

Miss Pllilura Bliss, to \vlioin four children \\-ere born, three of<br />

whonl are living, namely : Alice, Ecldy and George. His wife and<br />

two cl~ildren are ~nernbers of the IkIetl1ot2ist churcll of Toulon. I'oliticr~lly<br />

Mr. (hrtlnela is a, Eepublican, and 1~11ile voting \\.it1111is pi~rty on<br />

all questio~zs, never fails to recognize \\-hat is just in the principies or<br />

l~latfolal of his opponents.<br />

XA:,ryi, Grtlbtaaith, son of Ji~,mes and Jane jblcCsslan) Gal brai t h,<br />

natives of Donegal coonty, Ireli~ncl, was bonl in IS1 1. His parents<br />

catme to Plliladelpliia in 1829, where they died. Hugh Galbrait11 was<br />

mma~aietl to Miss Anne Wolson, (laughter of Tlloinns and Ann Wolson<br />

(also natives of Donegal), July 3,1533. Of their eleven clliltlren seven<br />

a,lle living, nninely : dames, born in April. 1S36, now at hon~e ; Annie,<br />

no\\. Mrs. John Ogle, of Essex township. l)o1~11 ixl IS43 ; Xntlre~r. exslrerifl'<br />

o!' tlre county ; 1111g11, born in 1846 ; Elizi~ .Jane. born in 1849,<br />

llow Mrs. Salnuel T,o\oll~an ; Rebecca, now Mrs. Moore, of I'rculiar, Mo.,<br />

bolan in 1851 ; Rol)ert, born in February, 1857. Ancllcu- enlisted in<br />

tlre Maiaine Artillery and re-enlistecl in the <strong>Illinois</strong> T'olnnteers oncl<br />

served nntil the close of the war. Mr. Galbl*,zitl~ owns 260 aciaes of<br />

the finest lands in the county, and is engaged in stock-raising. MI:

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