Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors


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5p3<br />

republican, a strong temperance ~vo~lcer and a man very much respectecl.<br />

EIe came here when he 11ad to drive his cattle ancl haul his grain to<br />

Chica~o to find a market; and remembers driving his bogs to Peoria<br />

receiv~ng $1.25 per 100 pountls, foi* hogs that weighed 800 pounds ancl<br />

up~v\.artls 150 pountls aiitl npr~~\-arils, serenty-five cents per 100 pounds,<br />

;~nd under 150 ~,ooncls $9 per dozen. ilt ~ilicag-o the butchers reserved<br />

the hide ant1 t;illo\v for their pay, .wllile 11e sold tqlle Ineat at $1.50 per<br />

I00 pou~~ds. Lette~ rate at that time was twenty-fire cents. With all<br />

the 11:wtlsllips and small re\ra~*ds attentling tllk e;~r.iy labors here, he<br />

~t~ised an(\ ecluc~~tecl large fa111 ily, and tool< a full part in ej7ery movement<br />

t1enclillg to improve tlle i~~oral ant1 connnerci:d conditlion of' his<br />

county.<br />

Josq)l~ F)aietlmajt, son of Ignatz and Theresa (Geotz) Fried man, was<br />

born at Ih~clei~, Gcrillany, in ISID, where his parents died a, few years<br />

later. At the age of t\\renty-t~ro years Joseph came to the linited<br />

States, :~nd for three years labored at Pittsburgl~, Pa. ; there be married<br />

Miss Cz~roline lirisenger, daughter of John ant1 Clara Icrisenger ;<br />

she was also born at BatLen, anc~ came ill IS47 with her parents to<br />

Pittsburgh. Some t i~ne after their ~~la~bringe they settled within fifteen<br />

miles of Buffi~lo, N. Y., ancl ivorked bv the inol~tlr there until 1562, .<br />

wllen they came t40 Valley to~vnship, ~tn~li county, Ill., and purehasect<br />

n fan11 on see. 31. At this time there \rere not over twenty fanlilies<br />

in Valley; ~volves ;lIncl deer jvere nulnerous. I11 IS57'he purchased<br />

160 ncibes in Essex, built his hoine there, ancl h;~s bee11 iclentifiecl with<br />

the progress of Esses fo~<br />

thirty years. Elis first tax payment ~~21s 95<br />

cents, now increasecl to over $GOO annuallv. Of their family, John is<br />

in Yeoria county, Joseph C. at home, ~iliialn C. also here, Sopllia ancl<br />

Lizzie are numbered alllong the dead, Caroline resides here. The<br />

fanlily are oltl members of the Catholic churcll. In politics Mr. Friedman<br />

is decidedly independent, voting al\vays folb the best inail and best<br />

nleasures. Ire was s ~nelnber of the ant]-horse-thief association and<br />

lentls his id to every project for the adri~ncenlent of virtue antl the<br />

detection and l)nnisl~nient of vice.<br />

171~s. L~tr&~(la Cfiq~~r'ich, witlow of Daniel, is the daughter of Daniel<br />

and cathepine (CTi1)t lln ey ) I'orter. She mas born in Westmorelnnd<br />

county, Pa., in 1822; in 1823 moved to Iiicllla~ld countiT, O., when<br />

nine nlonths oltl ; her father was enpgecl in the irlanuf,zct~

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