Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors


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Walter B., Oscar E., Margaret C., Daisy N., ancl two, an infant and<br />

Lenora, deceased. Mr. Finley has served liis tomnsliip as justice of<br />

the peace ant1 assessor, and was collector of Essex. I-Ie has been a,<br />

member of the Agricultural Society since its beginning. His farm of<br />

460 acres is among the best in ~ta~k county.<br />

Xamtcei J. Ebz. son of Julius VT. land Mav E. (Johnston) Fox, was<br />

born in Ricl~land county, O., January 28, 1 S35. His father was u<br />

native of New Ivork, where he urns born in 1796. I-lis motlrer, a nntire<br />

of Pennsylvania, was born 1804. They re~noirecl to Ohio from New<br />

at in early day, and again in 184s to Wisconsin, settled in Richland<br />

county, thus passing tl~rongh the pioneer period of t \\TO States.<br />

There, in ISBO, Mr. Fox., Sr., passed being lwecetletl to the gralce<br />

two vears bv his wife. Saniuel J. Fox assisted his parents on tlre<br />

fanli:or i~tte~ydin~ the pioneer district scllool in his earl< yews. In 11 is<br />

twenty-second year he marrietl Miss Mary E., tlaIug~ltkr of J-olln antl<br />

Ithotla Myers, kllo was born in Ohio, December 31, 1840. Her parents<br />

removed to Iniliant~, where her f a.tlier tl ied. 1Ier. lnotller relliarlaied,<br />

ant1 in a. sllort time w;~s apiu a \\ridow. She removetl with her fi~rnilv<br />

to Wisconsin, and settled 11 Riclilancl county, Wis., in 18.50, i~ntl tllete<br />

Mary met Mr. Fox, to ~vllom she was mnrr~etl April 2, 1857. Mr. Fox<br />

followed farming one !Tear after this event, then joined iL 1)1'0specting<br />

party, and went to Coloraclo ; engaged in mining for one year, when<br />

he returned to his honc at Richlantl Centre, WE., ancl tlle same -fall<br />

movecl to Princeville, I11 ., ant1 engaged in the lnerct~nti le business.<br />

Remaining there a short time, he iriovetl t'o W \;oming, Ill., ~vllere lle<br />

remained about two years. lIe then purcllased :L store at West ,Jersey,<br />

where he is no\\. proprietor of a general store in tlle villalse ant1 of a.<br />

stock -farm close by. Mr. ant1 Mrs. Fox ;Ire the parents of seven cllildren,<br />

namely : William W., Cllnrles L., Fr:lJnB A., Rollin S.. Gilbert T.,<br />

Ernest A., and Ettie M., a11 at home. They are muinbers of tlie<br />

Presbyterian cllurch, ant1 are interested in all qnovemen ts of :I, chittitable<br />

or progressive nature. &[I*. Fox is t~lso a inember of the I. 0. 0.<br />

F., and in politics n 1tel)ublican. 1Ie served as post~~r;~ster at West<br />

Jersey t\velre years ; lras also been electecl and reiilectetl to\rnsl~ip<br />

clerl;, ancl has been vice-prcsitlent of the Agricultural Society of Stark<br />

county.<br />

Sarctl,. Gcovye, wll o mals1*ietl Fran 1; Ung;rn, IVRS born i n West Vi r-<br />

b<br />

minia in 1935, and (lied in West ,Jel.sey, July 2G, '88.<br />

Juco6 N. ~ l u , m a t , lecea setl, was born in New Jersey in 1804 ; married<br />

Miss Jane B. Mitcllell tllerae, ant1 with her and tlieir five chiltlren<br />

movetl to Fulton county, Ill., in July, 1839, antl to section twenty-seven,<br />

West Jersey, in the spEing of 1S42. I-Iere he purchasetl 120 ;Icl8es of<br />

wild lantl at $2.50 per il,ure, erected ;I, frit111e house, mllial~ \\.as the<br />

family home, scliool, Metllotlist class-room, ant1 generd ineeting-house<br />

of the to\lrn for many y the Ilnzens making every one \velconle.<br />

0nl.v fire years tlitl this stro~~g ]wan stantl the wear anti tear of pioneer<br />

times here, for he tlietl in Mi~cl~, 1847. Iris partner in all the toils<br />

and troubles of e;~rly gear:; outliveti hiln twenty s~~~~~iners, (lying 1867,<br />

as shown in the cemeter-y record in history of West ,Tersey.<br />

John Ha~en,, the second son, was born in New Jersey, December 1,

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