Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors


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<strong>686</strong> BIOGRAPHY AND REMINISCENCES<br />

Jersey in 1839. In 1886 he mas candidate for juclge of the twentyninth<br />

judicial circuit of l\1issouri, comprising the counties of Anclre~v,<br />

Atchison, Holt and Nodawap, getting a nlajority in every county.<br />

His majority over Juclge Kelle~ (who carrietl the district six years ago<br />

by 1,700) is 9,772. John H. ~nthonv was raised on his fa,tller7s farm in<br />

New Jersey, was educated in the uschools there until December 10,<br />

1848, when he married Miss Elrnir:~ Dmlce, to urhom t\vo cllildren melae<br />

born, na~nely : Acleline and Francis E. This lady died August 6, 1853,<br />

and t~vu years later he marrietl Miss Frances h. Egbert, ulotller of<br />

Harriet, Isabella and Grace Anthonv. Atleline, \rho accompanied her<br />

father to this township in 1851, is "now Mrs. lVillia,n~ 0. Leigh. Mr.<br />

Anthony was electecl justice of the peace in IS57 and has been reelectecl<br />

four terms since that tizxe. 111 the fall of IS85 Ile was COIIZmissioned<br />

notary public by Governor Oglesby . Apart entirely fro111<br />

his official life in the tomnsllip, be has been a most nsefnl cit'izen in<br />

every sphere. His residence ancl grouncls near West Jersey, forin an<br />

index to his cllaracter ancl point out forcibly ~vllat he cah te:ich by<br />

example. Mrs. Anthony, Sr., con1 nlonly Bnolvn as " Gi~~~nclma<br />

Anthonv " born in Warren county, N. J., in 1798, cliecl January 10,<br />

1887, h&ng survivecl her husband ahout eleven years.<br />

Mi.$. AZlen Bennett, a resident for upwarcls of thirty vears, for the<br />

first time visited the village of West Jersey in Au~ust, ISSB.<br />

WiZZiam Bish,op, one of the oldest sgttlers ol- Brinl field, cliecl at<br />

Shelby, August 8, 1S86, at the age of ninety.<br />

John Y. Bodine, son of Joseph ancl Rebecca M. (Painter) Botline,<br />

was born in New Jersey, October 26, 1541. In 1846 his l~a~euts calne<br />

to this township, where thev purcllased a hnn, ancl where they remained<br />

until 1858, when they removed to Rocllester, Peoria county,<br />

where the father enggecl in his trade of carriage-bnilcling. After<br />

some years he retired from active lif'e ancl is now enjoying the fruits of<br />

their successful labors he in his seventy-fonrtlr year and she in her<br />

seventy-second year. Mrs. Bocline, Sr., is n, respected rne~nber of the<br />

Presbyterian church. John P. I3odine is the third child ol their family<br />

of four chilclren. His early life mas spent i~~~i~til~g his parents<br />

on the farm. His eclucation was lil~iitecl to n tlistrict school with<br />

the exception of one vear spent at Lolnbarcl University. On Septemb8r<br />

11, 1867, he inarrikd Miss Rachel D., daughte~a of John and Kezia<br />

(Davis) Keller, who was horn in West Virginia, of wl~ich state her psrents<br />

were natives, March 19, 1849. In 1866 her people settled in<br />

Peoria county, Ill., ancl purchasecl a farm in B1illl)rooli township. In<br />

1857 a hurricane completelv destroyed their house, the family escaping<br />

injury. Mr. Keller was bdrn ~ctdber 16, 1817, Mrs. lieller, January<br />

12, 1882. Mrs. 12achel Bocline is the tl~ird clliltl of their faillily of six<br />

children. She remained with her parents until her marriage. After<br />

their marriage they moved to Victoria, Xnox county, Ill., ~vl~ere Mr.<br />

Rodineengagecl in milling. l~avingan interest in asiealn mill. Three<br />

years later he traded this interest for a fai~nin West Jersey township,<br />

ancl here he remained eight vears, when he sold that place ant7 pnrchased<br />

land on section 29, &ere he now resides. Their union has<br />

been blessed by two children : Acldie H., born July 28, 1868, and Don

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