Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors


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but were unable to obtain arms from the state, probably for the very<br />

o-ootl reason that the state hacln't :my.<br />

3<br />

'LSo 11lattel~s remnined until the bombardmeut of Surnl~ter. No<br />

sooner llad the news reached Ehnirn, t1la.n Stuart set about filling up<br />

his coml)aup to tender tlleill as volunteel's. With his officers ancl part<br />

of t11e old co~lll);~nv as i~ nucleus, lle tlruirl lued for rec~uit~s in cliffe~ent<br />

L J<br />

pn~ts of the couilty; lle fonntl 110 tliRcnltry, onlv tlllat most \ranted to<br />

elllist as office~~s, if lle m~tl his fellon~s ~voi~ltl t41;~o\v ul, tllleir old co~nmissions.<br />

Ilis &o~n~)t~n~ \ras filled and tentlered to the gove~nl~~ent,<br />

but nTns not accel~tetl, tl~ough Ile sl)nlaetl no effort to get them in, and<br />

the collqxmjr was disbautled, anti the brare rol~ulteers reluct6,zlltly<br />

gave np all ]lope of getting into service.<br />

Lb Rfter\vai~tL ;I) speci:~l to\\.n ineeting,was called whicl~ was attended<br />

the people. l'l~e tas-l);~j~ei*s of Elm IEI, to\rnship turned out gener-<br />

1 ; unlikc tlle I~oi~rtl of s~~pel*visoi~s, they tlidn't stop to find out<br />

i ~npeclinlents in the \\7c23r of i~eing patriotic', but \\-it11 unanimity ancl<br />

hearty zeal tlle~7 voted a tas upon tlrelnselres of $700, for the purpose<br />

of nn'if'o~anlin~ voltunteers; and resl)onsil.~lc. intlivitlnnls on the spot sobscribed<br />

over. $1980 fola the suppo~~t of faillilies of voll~nteers in service -<br />

near twice the ;ununnt app~*oprintecl bv tlle \\.hole of Stark county for<br />

the same por1)ose. Indi uitlu:~Ls, soun tl ";tnd prolnpt, snbscri bed as lligli<br />

as $200 cacll. il new coinl)allj \mi; reoiaganizetl uiicler the amended<br />

1 1 i 1 s . Oaptain Stuart ;bad the coinmissione(l officers of the olcl<br />

EiHes joined i tl, nntl, tu~solici tetl, tllre\\~ up their colnmissions, but upon<br />

a new election tllcy mere all reiilectetl to their former mnk, and the<br />

co~nptny reportetl to 11eaclqu;~rtelu. Tl~e inembers mere scatterecl over<br />

considerable tei~itory, and could not well be got together for drill<br />

olitoner than once :L week. Sceing no immediate lwospect of being<br />

called into service, they \\rent a0ont their ordinarv pursuits, putting in<br />

crops making bi*ick, or \rll;~tcrcr else tilev woiltl 1lave done it' the<br />

country was ; ~t pe;~ce. lV1l:it followetl is best related by a, corresponclent<br />

of the C11ic:l.go Trihtr~ie of the lSt.11, ~\~hjcll we copy :<br />

" Tllc Cllicogo liaih~ne of the 8th inst. anllutunced tl~e fact th;~the<br />

Elmila Rifles, C;q,tain St11;~rt's compil.ny, llatl heen accepted, nntl were<br />

~*ecluii.etl to be ill Springfieltl on Tl~nrstlay, the 13th inst. Of course<br />

sncl~ intelligence created 110 snla11 stir in our n~idst, ancl not onlv the<br />

colnl~any, hilt t11e \rl~ol~ com~llunity \rere t llro~ril ill to soiiic tleg!.;.ecl o t'<br />

consternatio~l. And what seemed to a.tltl to the tlificl11tic.s in the \v;I~<br />

of being s~mtcl~etl off so sutlden ly. was tlre fact t11;t t ( ';q,t:~in Stri;trt, \\-IIo<br />

is a ininute ina.n, ;rl\\~nyso ;~ctircl. ene~getic ant1 intloiliit;~ l~le. \r;i.s;tt tllc<br />

time in the cast, ant1 no one llerc kne~v rep\- \\ell \rhere. In i~e~noring<br />

this tlifficnl t \r, the otl~er officers deserve 1;711~11 praise fo14 t11e ~YOIII ptitutle<br />

with \\:llicl~ they ;~ctctl. I.ieuteil;~,nt Hill toul; tllc 1t~;r.O. ;IS \ws<br />

fitting lle sl~ould, ant1 Lieuten;tnt Nu~acl~i~o~i ~~ork~tl "1) t( J "11 jnst<br />

espectations; and all seeilletl deteriilinetl to let ilo ol,sti8rlct iolls pllcven t<br />

tllenl from coining up and iaespontling to t 1 IC t lchi~~;~ntl. ( )]I Mo~itl;~,~,<br />

the 10th. n very Iwvge ~neeting. consisting of tllc vol~~nt(~~s<br />

iintl citizens<br />

of the to\rnsi~i~,s of Elmilax ant1 OscFoIi~. I\-;IS llcltl to wake saint.<br />

amangeinents for the tlepa~ture of the rolruitee~*h. ,\ t this nleeting<br />

difficulties see~lletl to increase hva rlispatch m*riring ~ IYIIII tlw i\dj~ta.nt-<br />


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