Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors


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their twelve chilclren five are living-Sarah A., Ada M., Mary E.,<br />

Nora, Laura M., all residing at home. Mr. IIartv's ~vl~ole life here,<br />

and the success attencling it, is such 21, commentari on his native coantry's<br />

government as any silne Inan can nnclerstantl and appreciate. It<br />

is the victor,y of honest labor uncliainetl by ;xnv species of tyrant.<br />

James IIoZgcite, cleceased, n7as born :at PI ;ilatlcll~hi;~, Pa., J-ulv 2 ti,<br />

1804, where his parents, Jaco1.1 ancl Elizabeth (~11e;ts) l-lolgate; tlren<br />

resided. EIis grandfather came fro111 England arid carried on n fnllillg<br />

mill, which the son, Jacob, converted into a p:llper mill arid finall y into<br />

a cotton factory. I-Iis mother, Elizabetli, yv-ns i~orn in ~enns~lh~ni:~,<br />

of Gerinan pirents. In 1820 James Holeate inoved to Luze~ne count^^,<br />

Pa., learnecl milling there, but. turned 111s atten tion to woolen inarmfacture,<br />

and in 1829 esta.blis11ed a store at liingston. I11 A pril, 1327,<br />

he married DiIiss Gyl rina Trux, of Trov. I,uze~.ne county, Pa. In lti33<br />

he solcl his ~17oolen inill ancl store, can;e t'o this county, and purcllnsing<br />

a claim of eighty acres, settled tllree miles ~lortlleast of Wyon~ing, in<br />

Penn townsllip, 'and there resicled until 1875, when 11e lrrovecl in to t lle<br />

town. %'For eight years lie wits co~inty judge ; for sixteen years, assessor<br />

of Penn township ; serl~ed as justice of the peace, mern6er of the legislature,<br />

ancl in other ofices of trust. EIe voted for Jilckson, in 182S,<br />

and continued Democratic to his death. Of his twelve chilth*en, ten<br />

are living. Jacob ancl Erastus are in Oregon ; Maria inarrietl Jolin<br />

Snare, of Penn township ; Elizabeth lnarrietl William P. Buswell, of<br />

Neponset ; Charles is in Wasl~ington territory ; M:LY~ Ann married<br />

Calvin Hart, of Nebraska ; Harriet is tlie wife of E. Gharrett, of Jbl ontana<br />

; James is a physician at Castleton ; William resides at Wyoming,<br />

l~nd Reuben at Osceola. The ~notlle~ of this Saillily dieci in Kovember,<br />

1872, and the father has only just crossetl the rivela wllicll olcl time<br />

brid es.<br />

jr. Jilnres R. fIolyaia, son of Jii~nes and Sylvina (Trux) ilolgilte,<br />

was born September 94, 1841. IIjs early years were passet1 in attending<br />

sol1001 or assisting- in the home-fann \\.o~.li ; but in IS66 lie a.bnndoned<br />

the iclea of agrlcnltural 1 e, I the same yema bec:~mc a stuclerlt<br />

of Rush Med~cal College, Clliciig~, f laonl wl~ic h i~ist~i t8n t ion he<br />

graclurttetl in Februa.r:\. 1869 ; the saine year establisl~etl his olfice at<br />

Castleton, ancl built up ,z reputw.tion that is no disgrace to his iinnily.<br />

On April 26, 1876, 11e ma'rrietl Miss Ellnna @., tla~~gl~teia of Davitl :~ntl<br />

Harriet (Biglolv) Stinlpson, both natives of Canatla, ant1 ,rr~~anddaugllter<br />

of Joseph and Nancy Stinll~son, natives of England, oi Scotcii ancestry.<br />

Harriet 13iglom is the daughter ol Abei ant1 A~r~elia Biglow;<br />

tlie former of Massacl~usetts, the latter of New ITalnl~sl~ ire, wlr o set-<br />

. tled in Canada. Mrs. IIolgate, however, was holm in Ragor, K. T., to<br />

which state her parents lnovetl flaom CYnn;ltla . Dla. 1Iolg;ite nn tl wife<br />

are the parents of five clliltlren, naniely : Winser It., Leslie &I.. Jane,<br />

Reha and lIliss B. In politics he is Itepublican ; in social matters, a,<br />

member of the Masonic society ant1 I. 0. C+. T.; and in religions inaftters,<br />

while conser~r,ztirely cl~ristian, like his people, is not a rrlel~il)er of<br />

any one denomination, but a supporter of all.<br />

Edwin FIolnms, born April 9, 1S32. :~t IIyde, near M:tncliester, England,<br />

is the son of Eli and Maria. (Er~ily) IIolnies, both natives of that

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