Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors


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Henry Springe~a, the third surviving child of George and Christina<br />

(Fautz) Springer, ' was born on the old homestead Decernber 5, 1847.<br />

At the age of twenty-two he married Miss Araminta M. Miller, clnughter<br />

of I-lenry and ~~icind;~ (Mills) Miller. This lildv was i~orn May 27,<br />

1550, in Princeville township, Peoria county. 13e; f;ttl~er 1~;~s n Carolinian,<br />

mllo in his youth movetl ~vitll his (fer~nan palbents to lientucky,<br />

and thence to ~e&ia county in 1837, \rllere 11e ]net aml 1n;lrrietl bliss<br />

BIills, a native of ~ennessek, where lier mother died wllei~ she was t\iro<br />

years old. She was taken care of :mtl raised by :I, relative at Princevile,<br />

. From the age of thirteen to the oE t wen ty-two, when<br />

she was innrrietl, she lnboretl for herself. After her intrrriage wit11<br />

Mr. Miller they settletl 011 the oici fi~r111, \rllere their thirteen cl~iltlren,<br />

nine of \\~llom are liring, \~.ei*e iai~isecl ant1 educated. Mrs. Springer remained<br />

with tllein until her inarriage, when she, wi tll her JIIIsI);~II~I,<br />

took up her residence on section 34, i~llcl built a sillall 11oosc tllere.<br />

Their 11ome is said to be one of the ilal~piest in tile co~mty. Of tlle~r<br />

four children two are living-- ilolln 11. ant1 Nellie E. M;. S1)ringeib is<br />

republican in politics. For five years lle 11;~ served as coillmissioner<br />

of 1-~igl~ways, ;~nd still fi 11s tl~at office.<br />

ars. lh2eti~6 171. (&n.elay) AYtco~.tk~rtl, (1 aughter of 1 lel ry ant1 ()li ve<br />

(Jacobs) Emery, Irir's born in Asllli~nd, O., August 15, 1S27. Iler father,<br />

t~ native of Pennsylvania, was born 1801, and c:me with his p;\,rents to<br />

Ohio when but a boy. I-Ier mother, a native of New York, ~vas born<br />

about 1805, and when she was a child came with her parents to Ollio,<br />

where, in IS22, she mariaied Mr. Emery. Renlnining in ()l~io, during<br />

~vhich time Mia. Einery was engaged in farnling, ant1 (luring the ~vinter<br />

he ~vorlied at the cooier's trade. In 1834 he calne to <strong>Illinois</strong>, and settled<br />

in Fulton county, where he followed fanning and also followetl<br />

his tmde, shipping tlk barrels t11:tt he made down the <strong>Illinois</strong> river to<br />

St. Louis. In 1857 he removed to Henry county, ant1 settletl in (2alva.<br />

Remaining here t\\~o years, he purchasetl a far111 in Weller tc,\rnsllip,<br />

then movetl ul3on it, beqan its iml,ro-ven~ent, ancl remni n etl 11et-e<br />

until about two years betore his tleatll, wllen he returned to Galv;~,<br />

where, ~ovembe; 17, 1875, lle passed nnTay in the seventv-fifth year of<br />

his age ; his wife having prececled llinl to the grave some fifteen yeanas.<br />

Amella, 1~11ose name lleatls this sltetcll is the seconcl clliltl of i~ family<br />

of eleven chiltlren. Her eitrlv life was spent at ho111e with hela parents,<br />

until November 29, IY46, she nmrried John P. Stk~ndartl. I-Iis<br />

parents were natives of Nolath (Jarolina, re111ovetl to lientucl

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