Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors


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y<br />

in 1857 and after a few years returned to Stark. Mrs. William Leason<br />

died in 1880. To Nr Gerard and wife nine cliilclren were born-<br />

Hannah E., of Osceola ; Mary M., tleceased ; Martha F., of Ellllira ;<br />

Caroline A., Sylvia E., Anna I,., Charles N., James L. ;~nd Eclitl~ &I.<br />

In 1857 he and falllily came to Starlr county. 1111864 he purchased a<br />

small tract on section thirty-sis, Elinira, ancl iiolv owns 2OO acres mostly<br />

improved. In 1861 he became n ~epublicnn. At one time lle was :L<br />

member of tlle Unitctl I3rethlaen Cllomh, but now sol~ports all C11~istian<br />

churches. IIe is an Odd Fello\v, lias seiavecl as scl~oc-11 clirecto~, ant1<br />

since 1860, w-lreu 11e macle the o\~erlantl trip to Pike's Peak, has beerr<br />

steadily engaged in builtling up the agricultural antl social interests 01'<br />

his to\vnshj 11.<br />

The Ificll Fc~niJ~.--Tlrt: i~nlnigration and settlenleut of tliis family<br />

in E11111ra h;l,ve been so t~bly dealt \\ritll by Mrs. Shallcnbergc~, a tlaugl~tcl.<br />

of one of' the pioneers, the writer fintls it only necessary to i~tltl to tl~c<br />

original, :L slcetcli of the late Mrs. Ann Hall, ant1 one rewritten fro111<br />

Mr. Mofit's not'es, of Iiobert I-Iall. Mrs. Shallenherger says : " The<br />

I-Ialls, of whoni I write, mae tlirectlv tlescencletl from Thomas 112~11 i~ntl<br />

Sarah, his wife, nie Cokayne, of ~~bllnnd, Derl,yshiret Eng1;~ntl. There<br />

they once formecl a lt~rge ;~nd vigorous fa.mily, brotllers and sisters ;L<br />

dozen in number, living to pass the ineritlian of life an unl~roken bairti.<br />

' Mnnsel I'ark,' the old English homestead, is still ensbl*inetl ill the<br />

menlory of the fa.rtlrest w;tnclerer of tl~ein all. At different times tlnring<br />

the years 1S36, 1837, ant1 1838, nine of these brotllers antl sistcrs<br />

crossed the sea, and settled in wl~at is now Starlr county, <strong>Illinois</strong>. Tlie<br />

first installment was Ito11ez.t and his sister Mary, ~illianl :~nd his wife<br />

Anne. Nest came Lnngleg, bj~<br />

the wnv of New Orleans, that he might at<br />

less expense bring with lrim a few tine sheep a~cl dogs with ~vl~icll to<br />

begin life in the new world. He sntferetl shipwrecli off the I1'101aitla<br />

coast, but ater being retlucetl to great straits of hunger ;i.ntl fatigue<br />

was in common with his sl~~il~n~ates rescued, and he fi~lallv arrivetl at<br />

the Osceola settlement. Then in 1837, c;me T~OII~RS, dth his \!rife<br />

ant1 four cliiltlren, hinging nlso with lliln his agetl fi~ther, Elixabetll<br />

(Mrs. EIai*ve y ), her 11 usbiui tl ant1 five clliltlren. Sonle months 1;~t er,<br />

John, ~eorie and Fanny, accom l~anietl by Miss Sarah Ligo, 117110 s11or.tly<br />

after\varcls marrietl L;~ngley I-Ia,ll. After about twenty years' resitlen;~<br />

Irere, John I,:lngle\r an tl ~leotge, l~u*etl by prolnises of a more desi~~;~l)lt.<br />

climate, again took up the line of innrch ~vestwarcl, antl settletl ul)o11<br />

the farther slope of the Rocky inountains, where they still reside.<br />

DiIary hecame the \\.if;: of Mr. Orrin 1l:tsartl of Neponset, I3ureau<br />

conntv, Ill.; ant1 F;~iiri y, the youngest of the family, marrjecl IIon.<br />

,~ose~;li Harris, of 13oy;l's Grove, in the salne county. &l13s. EIarvey<br />

and William rcst besitlo tl~eil- f:atlier in the falllilv 1)uri:tl grountl ;tt<br />

Osceoli~, while tl~e~r nlotllel* sleel~s bene;lt.h the S&L. At thls writing,<br />

in 1876, Thoin;w antl Ttol~ert ant1 the witlow of William. t~lone Ibeinaln<br />

to Stark county of tllose \rllo were atlult at the date of the first emigration.<br />

Thei18 fatlie18 was a plitin, sturdy J

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