Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors


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Johrt C70ZweZl, son of Henry sncl Elizabeth Colwell, was born in<br />

Stark county in 1S37, where his parents settled at an early date, as related<br />

in their history in this chapter. At the age of t~~entg-four<br />

years he married Miss Elinira Fast, daughter of Philip and Mary<br />

Fi~st, mllo was born in Ohio in 1845, and caine with her parents to<br />

this county in 1849, ~vhere her father died in 1855. After Mr. Coln~ell:s<br />

marriage he entered on fanning for Ilimself, ancl now owns 754<br />

acres of cllo~ce land on section IS. They are the parents of four<br />

children, Mary B., Charlie O., Marvin 13. and Mirn J. In politics Mr.<br />

Col\rell is Dernocratic. 13y incluetry he has built up round llim a<br />

111 ea.san t I loine: ancl bv example a good family.<br />

A,sq~l, Cox, one of the pioneers of Essex tb~~~nship, still resides here,<br />

linking the present wit11 t,he past of this division of the county. A<br />

~.efe~*ellce to the original entries of lnncls in this tSo\vnsllil) points out the<br />

settlement of the ftm~ily of Nathan Cos here in 1836 ; :I ~eference to<br />

the slretcll of the cemeteries also w ill give the names of inany nlernbers<br />

of this large fttinily.<br />

Thl,owrc(s ilidter Cyo.x, son of Josepll ant1 Catherine (Etlwartls) Cox,<br />

was !,oran in Stnrli connty, Ills., in the year 1847. I-Iis parent)s, natives<br />

of Vilginin, rernovetl to Ollie a.ntl t11el;ce to <strong>Illinois</strong>, settling in Starli<br />

co~~uty, wllere they still 1-eside. Tllomas W. Cos ~emainetl with his<br />

parents until his 90th year, when he married Miss Clara 1)eWolf.<br />

daughter of Captain David ar~d Mstilda (Greenwood) DeWolf. This<br />

ladv nrns ho~n Marc11 23, 154'7 ; her father was of French descent, born<br />

in Nora Scot in Dilarcli 30, 1822 ; her mother mas born in Clark county,<br />

Ohio, February 22,1823. The military reCorcl of Capt. DeWolf is ~vorthy<br />

of his ancestrj~, ant1 is on record in the inilitary chapter and historv of<br />

Toulorl county. After his n~wriage Mva. Cox began farming in ~ssex<br />

to\vnship on his first farm, where 11e resided about five years. He solcl<br />

this p~operty and porchased 193 acres on see. 24,. Essex tonrnsl~ip,<br />

where he still resides. MY. ant1 Mrs. Cox are the parents of seven<br />

cl~ilclren, six of wl~oln are living-Etl~vin E., born March 23, 1S6S ;<br />

Alice, horn Sel~tember 1, IS71 ; Stella, boril &lay 28: 1874; Joseph,<br />

bolail dime 22, 1876; IIattie, born August 16, ISSO, and Cora, born<br />

Xoreniber 27, 1SS3. An infant, born in the yeala 1883, died July 11<br />

silirle year. On Novenlber 4, ISSG, Mrs. (>ox passeil to her last Iong<br />

sleep. 1-1e~ illness mas of sl~ort duration. TJ p to the morning of her<br />

death slle seeined as well as usual. She was buried at Wj~olnilig, and<br />

the co~tege which followecl tlie remains to the gr:Lre was the largest<br />

seen at Wyorning, there being eighty-six vehicles. She IVRS a faithful,<br />

loving wife, and her tleath was lno~lrnecl by n large circle of friends.<br />

Politically Mr. Cox is a republican, and is a rnember of the Masonic<br />

order.<br />

IT: Cox, son of Enoch and Sarah (Druinmond) Cox, was born in<br />

Ross county, O., August 20, 1832. His fatller and mother were natives<br />

of Ohio, the forlner a miller by trade, married :it the age of tn~entytwo,<br />

in 1829. I11 IS37 tl~ev lnorecl to this county, and here he erected<br />

one of the first grist and saw inills on Indian ;reel

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