Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors


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almost fri htened those ~~naccustolnecl<br />

such sights and sounds, but<br />

still no dyoming dawned upon their anxious eyes. At length night<br />

came on, the team mas exhttustecl, the clri ver confessetl llimself lost,<br />

ancl there was no alternative bnt to wait the damning of another day<br />

upon the open prairie. The horses ate eagerly of the grass around<br />

them, the women crept faint and hungry under the shelter of the<br />

wagon cover, ancl the Inen threw tlleinselres upon the gro~~ntl beneatl~.<br />

They mere all too excited to sleep much ; the women's minds mere<br />

busy thinking of the homes ancl frjencls they had left. contrasting the<br />

comfort of that life with the hardships of this, for although they had<br />

brateed their lnincls to meet l~ravely whatever befell, yet this mas ;L<br />

erforlnance not thought of when the programlne was made out.<br />

khen Mrs. William Hall had in her English home revealed to ller<br />

mother her plan, to be inarriecl shortly, ancl two meelcs thereafter to<br />

set out for America, the goocl woman exclaimed: ' Oh, Anne, you are<br />

going to suck clown sorrow by the spoonful.' That night on the<br />

prairie, ancl many a night afterwards her daughter remembered those<br />

words, ancl perchance thought them prophetic. When they suspentletl<br />

their journey the lightning mas playing about the horizon, and by<br />

midnight a storm broke upon theln such as they llatl never conceivetl<br />

of, and such as is rarely mitnessecl here, of late years. But morning<br />

came at last, the rain had ceased, and they startecl agrtin for Wyoming,<br />

or any other point where foocl and shelter coulcl be obtained, and<br />

about ten o'clock A. nr., the cabin of General Thomas was reached.<br />

Itefreshed by a good breakfast and a brief rest, the emigrt~nts again<br />

started for~vard, only to renew tlle experiences of the previous day<br />

with new complications. Thev first made for Mr. James I-Iolgate's<br />

place, and there got clirections for Seeley's Point, pretty \\-ell to the<br />

east of the grove. By this route they hoped to reach the unoccupietl<br />

cabin of Mr. Buswell, of ~vlillich they mere to take possession until they<br />

could build one. But Spoon river must be crossetl by a deep ancl dmb<br />

werous ford, ~vhere the chances were very good that the ~vllole loat1<br />

woulcl capsize down the steep bank into the water, and by the time<br />

this clifficultv was clisposecl of, the shades of evening were again closing<br />

arouncl t'hem.<br />

William Hall, who it will be remembered had been over this<br />

route but lately, to make his claim, now l~roposecl to leave the<br />

party aucl make his way on foot directly to the cabin, Bindle<br />

a, fire to guide the rest, and have some foocl in readiness when<br />

they arrived. He was spurred on to this course, tnol-e especially<br />

as his goung wife was alreacly ailing uncler the combined strain of<br />

fatigue and excitement, and he fearecl if rest ancl refreshment coultl not<br />

soon be procuretl she mould be seriously ill. IIe succeetled in carr,ving<br />

out his part of the contract without 1nuc11 clifficulty , ant1 by nightfall a<br />

bright fire was blazing on the rude hearth of the ctll~in. Eut no ~1~agon<br />

put in an appearance, and the solitary matcher looketl and listened in<br />

vain for any sight or sound of the wanderers. In fact they were far<br />

to the northeast of the grove, near where .'tile town of Osceola was<br />

afterwards laid out - the team flounderetl hopelessly among the big<br />

sloughs, and the driver again pretty well confused as to the points of

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