Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors


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OF (+OSfEN TOWhTSHfP. 563<br />

After the cleat11 of Iris wife, ancl on Fel~rua~v 4, 1561, he illnrriecl Miss<br />

Celestia (born June 24, 1842), claugllter ofv ~ ljail i and TArclia Ferris,<br />

hot11 natives of C;mnda. To tllerli tell chiltlren \\.ere bony : Lillie &I.,<br />

born Ilecember 14. 1862, clietl in 1877, :mtl Oeo1ag-e F., born October 7,<br />

ISM deceased in lSS3; Ijertha A.. born Septenil~er 2s. 1866; I-Ier~llnn A.,<br />

I~orn Angust 22, 1S6S ; Blanclle S., born ALI~LIS~ 11, IS73 ; Lizzie E. and<br />

Lucy 31. (t\~ins). ho1a11 September 18, IS77 : Sara11 P., bonl Xovember<br />

S, I SS( 1 ; Jessie I,. aucl Bessie 1,. (twins). born Octlober 16, 1583. Mr.<br />

PHL'I'~S~I is not a politician, nltliongll ~vhen a boy he ~eineiubei*~ the<br />

~~oters taking a " jug " of \rllisltv wit11 then1 to the polls; he also<br />

re, nen1 hers t lle corn inort ar :mcl 111111, an tl f nlly appreciates the im p~ore-<br />

~nents in voting and n1illing. In scllool inatteils l ~e is ea~uest, and has<br />

for eighteen years been ;L tl~rector ; in agriculture 11e ranlis aunong the<br />

first F;\m~ers in the state, and ils a citize~~ among the niost useful and<br />

excellent. ( l:itle h/istol y c!fb Joe/ ccn tl 1Allofi' I'll ivaish .)<br />

.h~/ I'rr,wsh, iaeferrecl to in the slretci; of Utlrid W. Brown, came<br />

to this county in 1838 ~vith llis wife and cliiltlren. In 1843, he anti<br />

11 is wife cliecl in Io\ra, imd were i~uried in the cenretery at Montrose.<br />

Susannall, \rife of Enloff Pwrish, resides on tlie old homestead. 1,yclia<br />

P:lrrish ~narried Asa Driscoll, and secontlly Jacob Emery; Aurelia,<br />

wi(lo~r of' John Sturnl, marrietl Isaac Ste\v:.art ; Sylvani;~ dso 111;~rriecl<br />

n secontl ti~ue, her husbnntl being Etlwa~d Matt ; Electit mari*ied Lyman<br />

Matt ; Zerinall also uiarrietl ; Ol~re, wife of &ha. Brown. anti ~nc< mar-<br />

11ietl one 1Tasl;ins. Tl~ose, 117i t.11 Samuel: 'Sq oire, Euloff and ~asd.n constituted<br />

the fanlily. Ruloff Parrisll ~vas born in Canada in 1804. I11<br />

1827 he inar~ietl Miss S~lsannall Morris, in New Yorl; state, and entered<br />

llalf section in Goshen towns11 ill, \r here his \vicIo~v now resides,<br />

c1laecti ng a sm;~ll i~oard slltruty L I ti1 ~ a better lrouse cooltl be colnpletecl.<br />

Here he lived until his decease, March 12. 1888. Of his familjr, Aris is<br />

wife of IIa~lrison Miner; Eurani;~ a,llcl Pllcebe both irlarrieil ant1 raised<br />

families, but are now (lead. Iiuloff Paiarish was one of the 111ost esteellletl<br />

citizens of the county and one of Stark's wealtll iest farmers.<br />

J. II. Qtciljn, to whom so irrang references ;&re made in the gener:~l<br />

and to\rilshil) l~istory, was born in Preble co~unty, Ohio, in IS%. When<br />

;~bonten years oltl Iris fatllera (lied, mitL soon after he n-elit to live with<br />

a, neigllbo; fn~amela, ~ritll wl~om he lived until eighteen years of age,<br />

wl~en ire learned tlre shoen~;rker's t~aacle and ~rorketl at illat trade lor<br />

some venrs. In tlre ye;w IS49 ire, in conlpanv with nnotl~er young<br />

111a11, opened iL boot, shoe, 11i~t and cap store in his native town ot<br />

t o 1 In July, ISM, he n~;vriecl Miss hIitr~, (laughter of Jacob<br />

F;~11, of Preble county. Ohio. to ~rl~oln seven c&iltll*en \re]-e born, of<br />

wliom six are living, nmnely : Ann Elizn, Ida I:elle, Williani D.,<br />

Fmnlc 17.. Elor:.ace (+. tmd Jaliles A. In tlie \-ear IS55 he sold his interest<br />

in the stlore and took n trip to the tllen west anti i~ougl~ t<br />

240 acres of unilrlprovetl ~wairie land in Goslien to\rnsl~ip. On liis ret111.n<br />

l~ome Ire enc:~ge(l as a salesman in a illeraintile l~ouse, in wllicll<br />

position lie reinained until tire beginning of the rear 1S55, ~rlten iic<br />

gain went west, tlriring tl~rough wit11 n team, tln;*ing \rhiclr ve;w he<br />

built a house on his PI-eriouslx bougllt land, ant1 in Marcl~, ib5r;, he<br />

iuored his fiunilp from Eaton, Olr~o, into it, where 11e still resides.

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