Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors


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Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, and mas elected Captain. In a<br />

sllor*t time, on ac'count of failing heaitl~, he mas compelled to return<br />

home. In IS70 the faulilv removed to Burlington, Iowa*, where he ena.3<br />

m,oetl in the inanuk~ct~ured his scales. Two years later Mr. Jaclison<br />

clletL, his ~vidou~ being now a resident of Peoria. Mi%. Bunnell, until her<br />

~narriage, hat1 been engaged in teaching in the graded schools. Since<br />

lrlarriaye Mr. and Mrs. Unnnell hare resitletl in Penn to\rnship, where<br />

five chlldlaen halve been born to them, nainely : Nellie E., John C.,<br />

13enl;~11 C., Fred. J. and Beynice &I. Mr. Bnnnell now oms 1,240<br />

acres of the cl~oicest lantls in Penn ttomnship on which is situate oneg<br />

of the finest Fa~~ln resiclenees in Starli county. He itlso owns a la,rge<br />

amount of iae:~l estt~te in Nebrasl~a. MY. Bun~lell has always been a<br />

Iiepublicxn. I-Iis \\rife is :L illeniber of the M. E. church.<br />

D~u~.ii.Z G'r)yXI(m. born in 1-3ro\cn county, Ohio, in 1811, caine to <strong>Illinois</strong><br />

in pioneer times, anti to the Snareville neighborhood about 1858,<br />

(Lietl tl~ere in October, IS79.<br />

S'cun.tcel C'IYL~, bokn in IIuntingdon county, Pa., April 6, 1825, is<br />

the son of Fretleric and Ca'tllerine (Snare) Cru&, both Pennsylvanians ;<br />

the fol-iner born in 1794, was the son of a German settler, the latter,<br />

claugllter of a (ier~nan settler ;llso. To tllern nine cllilclren were born,<br />

eigll t of whom are still living, namely : Sr~l~iuel: of Penn township ;<br />

Di~niel, of Elnntingclon county, Pa. ; Rancy, \\rife of Byron IIa,aclr, of<br />

that county ; Ellen, Mrs. Josepll T. Fisher, of Johnson county,<br />

Mo.; Eeuben I-I., a resitlent of Pennsylvania ; Margaret, Mrs. John<br />

1 of l Iul~tingtlon county, Pa.; ~eirge W., also ~aesiciin,q there, and<br />

81111, MYS. Jolln C. I,ytle, iaesiclinv in that count\.. The tather clied<br />

there in 1876, send the mother in 1&7. Both were"of the Pennsylvania<br />

agricultural class. Sarnnel Crunl in early years was a ~voodchopper,<br />

schoolboy, iniller and farnler - al~or~t all i~ ' pioneer boy could be. In<br />

1848 he it~t~riaied Miss Elizabetl~, tlaughter of Henry and Marpet<br />

('Wise) EIess and paternal grantldaughter of ~aco6 and Elizabeth<br />

(Zirnrnerman) IIess, Germans. Ji~co being l)o~n in IiSl died in 1869,<br />

and Elizabeth, born in 1,789, died in 1859. Iler mother mas born in<br />

1768, cliecl April S, 1857, antl her faxther, Henry, born in 1758, died<br />

January 27, 1S37. After Mr. C~atun's ~rlarrjage he became a fariner,<br />

came to this townslrip in 1S59, elgagecl in grain and stock-growing,<br />

11~1~*chasetl eightjr acres on section 20 in 1869, came to reside on it in<br />

1873, added e~gl~ty ikcres on section 17, erect.etl a fine fanu-house, and<br />

11t~s resitlecl here clown to the present time. Their children are : Marwret,<br />

\rift: of E. s. Gnaw ; Winfield l',., married, residing in this town-<br />

D .<br />

ship, and John TV., a tl13uggist at Castleton. Mr. Crum and his two<br />

sons control 263 acres here. Ile has served as supervisor one year,<br />

assessor three years, school director a~itl in lrlinor offices. Both 11e and<br />

wife are me111be1.s of the Snareville BIethodist church. TV. B. Cr~~in is<br />

the genial clerb of the to\rnsl~ip scl~ool board, and like his father, one<br />

of the ,nost popular nlen in tl~e to\vnshil,. The frt~~~is :~ncl homes<br />

which this ftl~nilv made 11el.e are the results of their own labors since<br />

1859.. Theii~ repnta.tlion rests on indnstiy and intevrity.<br />

Cyhrcrq,cey TI . Dnviso~,, wl~o married Eliza, E. $heeler, was born in<br />

Wyoming county, Pa., December 12,1S19, son of James and Catherine<br />


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