Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors


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3iutthew Bz~cha~tccn Pccrks, son of William and Agnes (Buchsnatn)<br />

Parks, mas born in Washington county, Va., August 15, 1818. His<br />

father was born in Cumbel*l:~nd coun'ty, Pa., Malycll 7,. 17'77, where<br />

Joseph Parlis (a native of Irelantl and a, tailor by trade), gmnclfathe~<br />

of Mattlie\v, had settletl prior to the Iterolntion. Josepll's wife,<br />

Rebecca Clarli, \vats a, native of England came to Airle~aica with<br />

her people before the Eevolntion, ;tnd ]net ant1 innrrietl Mia. Parks in<br />

Ci~lnberlnncl county, Pa., amtl iuored to Augusta coon ty, Va. The<br />

founder of this family in the United States n6r lies in the cemetery<br />

near his Virginia, home. In 1810 Willianl Parks, a millwrigl~t, ~narrietl<br />

Miss Agnes Duchnnan. This lady nTas a dnugl~ter of' M;rttlle\v I3uclranan,<br />

\vho served in the 12evolubion untler General Camld~ell at Kings<br />

Mountain, and with two conlpanies sent ag~insthe Indians in ICentuclcy.<br />

His wife was Elizabeth Etlloontlson. To tlreul seven cllilclren<br />

were born, namely : Granville C., a ~vidomrr of Euresu county ;<br />

Eliza, unmarried, residing here ; Rebecc;~ who tlietl in 1855 ;&Iattlle~v<br />

B., of Elmira, Polly Ann died March 29, 1847; Joseph, unmarried, ancl<br />

Nancy II., unma.&iecl, residing here. The family movetl from Virginia<br />

to Macon county, Ill., in 1835 ; but after a very brief stay tllel-e,<br />

William 10cat~ed 160 acres of land in \vl~at is no\v Ehnir:~ townstrip,<br />

erected the first 11ouse ever built in Elnlira on this land, and resitletl<br />

therein until 1842, when 11e inored out of the timber "onto the<br />

r~rairie," ancl there, so soon as tho iantls were offered for sale, entered<br />

h80 acres. I-Ie was engaged in farming and stock-mising until his<br />

death. His \\rife was born in W~lshington county, virgin^:^, 0ctobt:r<br />

13, 1785, of which state her parents nelae natives, of tlce tlescentls,nts<br />

from Scotch-Irish B~~chanans of Lancltster co~un ty, Pa. She tlietl in<br />

1877. &Iatthei\~. B has alm;~ps been :L bacllelor citizen, representetl<br />

his t,ocvnsllip on the suyervisbrs' board for a, number of terms, and<br />

filled nearlv a11 the tournsllip offices. IIe resides on the old Palbl<<br />

~~ornestead~ with his sisters, Eliza ancl Nancy II., ancl his brother*<br />

Joseph. The latter is a lneln ber of the J3;q)tist church, while Mat.tllew<br />

B. is not a lneinber of any society, tlloogl~ a supporter of the I'l*esl)yterian<br />

Cllurch. In the f&nily ci;cle all questions a.ffecting their interests<br />

are thoroughly discussed, and dissenting ol~inions so expressed as<br />

to leave no room lvhtttsoever for discol*tl.<br />

TVllinir Q. I'e~hs, born in O~aitnge county, V enrion t, Januar \-<br />

19, 1819, is the son of 1,enruel and Lucretia, (Cfentlelna~ri) ~erki~is.<br />

Lemuel Perkins was a nati re of New 11nml)sllire. He ~~~rrs the son of<br />

Timothy Perkins and Betsy Genileinan. Tinlothy Perltins, a native of<br />

England, was it soldier in the ~*evolutiona,rv war, and after the war he<br />

engaged in fanning in the state of New %ampshire, remaining there<br />

until his tleath. Betsy Gentleman was 21, n;l.tive of Connecticut, 11er<br />

parents coming from prance. 1,enluel Pel-liins enlisted for the war of'<br />

1SI2 at the age of fourteen, ser~recl seven years in the amijr, ant1 after<br />

the war he enwaged in tlre cooper trade. He mas ~narrietl in IS1 to<br />

Lucwtia GentTeman, and bail by her two children, the subject of our<br />

sketch being the olclest. Daniel tlietl when two years old, in the tow11<br />

of Tapsham, Orange county. Trt. His wife died in 1823, and in 1833<br />

he married Miss EIetty Pomeroy, a native of Vermont, by ~vhoin he

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