Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors

Pgs 412-686 - Illinois Ancestors


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of blacksmith, and continued so engaged at Millington until his death,<br />

January 16, 1884. IIe mas a member of the DiIethoclist Episcopal<br />

church, ancl always held the position of class-leader. IIis mother, now<br />

aged sixty-f our years, resides at irorl~ville, Kenclall coon ty . George<br />

C. Van Osdel is the second child of a family of tell. children, of 137110111<br />

seven are still living; one brother being engaged in the ministry. IIe<br />

s~ent his easlv life at home, assisting In the cluties of the far111. 13s<br />

ehucationrtl aiiGantages were'limited G the colnnlon scllools, but applying<br />

himself cliligently to study he accluiretl n practical education. At<br />

the age of twenty-one he entered Bryant L! Stratton's college, at Chicago,<br />

and, completing his studies theke, in 1864, retunaned to liendall<br />

. county, where, at Ne\\-i~rlc, he engaged in clerlting. After a, sllolat time<br />

h.e joined Company F, One-huntlretl-ancI-foi~tj~-fi~*s t Ill ino is Trolunteer<br />

Infantry, mas promotecl cur.pornl, an tl at tlr e close of 11 is tern1 ol' enlistment<br />

returned to his clnties at the store. In IS65 he went to Aurora,<br />

where he engaged as clerlr for a short time, when ile ura,s attacked by<br />

sciatic rheumat~sin, froin ~vhicllle suff eretl izbont ;L year. Recovering<br />

from this attack sufficiently to iaesu1ne business, lle mrs engaged as<br />

instructor in the public scl~hols of T,a Sr~lle and Kendall counties. In<br />

1867 he was granted a licerise to preacll in the Methodist Episcopal<br />

church. In 1s68 he married Miss Clara A., a, daughter of Etlwarcl P.<br />

and Hannah (Gridley) Eibbins, born in Kenctall county, Ill., December<br />

13, 11347. In 1871 Mr. Van Osdel became a Inember of the Baptist<br />

church, ancl was engaged in the ministry at Newark, Somonauk, Wyoming<br />

ancl Toulon, Ill. In 1876. he came to Wyoming anct assmned<br />

charge of the Baptist church there, for one year; he nlovecl to Toulon,<br />

where he was engatgecl as pastor of tlie Second 13a11tist church. I-Ie<br />

was instrulnentul in uniting the two churches. EIe was also engaged<br />

in photography, which he still follo\vs, being t11 e on lev l)l~otographer<br />

at Toulon. On February 10, 1883, 5I1.s. Van Ostlel (lied. Of the four<br />

chilclren who blessed this union, one tliecl clnlaing infancy. In 18S4 he<br />

married Miss Isabel Stuclcey , of Washington Court house, O., ~vllo ~vas<br />

born in Fayette connty, O., in 1543. Politically, Mr. Van Ostlel is a<br />

Republican. In 1SS1 he mas elected justice of the peace, ~vllich office<br />

he st111 holds. IIe has been quite ixctive tn political affi~irs, a,nd l~as<br />

held the ofice of village clerk. I-lis penchant bl- Ilolne studies 11:~<br />

accompaniecl him in hislater years ancl he is now reading la\v, with a<br />

view of becorninp a, member of the bar of illinois.<br />

fIarrie8 A ~ijil~)~ot, daughter of. William ancl EI;~rriet PIT. (BIorrill)<br />

Ricker, was born in Topsl~am, Me., November 17, 1345. I-Ier father<br />

was born in Maine, Augiist 12, 1813, receirecl a liberal education, and<br />

from the age of eigliteen to thirty-three was engaged in school teaching<br />

every winter. At the age of twenty-one lle moved to Topsham,<br />

ancl was identified wit11 mercantile interests there until 1851, when he<br />

moved to Marshall county, Ill., ~~urchased land, ant1 in 1855 was joined<br />

there by his wife and chilclren. He married Miss Morrill October 1,<br />

1840. at Tonsham. Eleven chilchen blessed this union, seven of whom<br />

are living :' Mary E. L., Lyman J., I-larrjet N. ~amukl M., Willie C.,<br />

Annje E., Susannah I., R. A., Ti~ninicus, Lucv 0. ancl Fredclie 0. In<br />

1867 the family moved to Peoria county, where Mr. Ricker was engaged

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