Guam Hazard Mitigation Plan - Western States Seismic Policy Council

Guam Hazard Mitigation Plan - Western States Seismic Policy Council

Guam Hazard Mitigation Plan - Western States Seismic Policy Council


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SECTIONTHREE<strong>Plan</strong>ning Process Documentation3.4 PROGRAM INTEGRATIONThe DMA 2000 requirements for consideration by FEMA for program integration, which arerecommended but not required, are shown below and addressed in the following text.DMA 2000 REQUIREMENTS - PLANNING PROCESS – PROGRAM INTEGRATIONProgram IntegrationRequirement § 201.4(b): [The State mitigation planning process should] be integrated to the extent possible withother ongoing State planning efforts as well as other FEMA mitigation programs and initiatives.ElementA. Does the new or updated plan describe how the State mitigation planning process is integrated with otherongoing State planning efforts?B. Does the new or updated plan describe how the State mitigation planning process is integrated with FEMAmitigation programs and initiatives?Source: FEMA 2008.During the preparation of the 2008 <strong>Guam</strong> HMP, the GHMO and the HMAC identified severalways in which the risk assessment and mitigation strategy discussed in the 2008 <strong>Guam</strong> HMPcould be integrated with current and future Government of <strong>Guam</strong> and FEMA planning efforts.These efforts have been updated for the 2011 <strong>Guam</strong> HMP and include the following:• Continued integration of the 2011 <strong>Guam</strong> HMP as an annex in the <strong>Guam</strong> EmergencyResponse <strong>Plan</strong> (ERP) and consideration of the HMP by the HS/OCD during preparation anduse of the ERP• Continued consideration of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) provisions byDPW during the review of building proposals• Consideration of the 2011 <strong>Guam</strong> HMP during the preparation of a <strong>Guam</strong> Master <strong>Plan</strong> (orequivalent document) when such plan is prepared• Consideration of the 2011 <strong>Guam</strong> HMP by the DLM during the review of land use proposals• Consideration of the 2011 <strong>Guam</strong> HMP by the DPW during the review of building proposals• Consideration of the 2011 <strong>Guam</strong> HMP by GWA during compliance with the Consent Decreeconcerning the preparation of a Water Master <strong>Plan</strong>, preparation and use of the <strong>Guam</strong> DroughtManagement and Comprehensive Water Conservation <strong>Plan</strong>, and identification of CapitalImprovement Projects (CIPs)• Consideration of the 2011 <strong>Guam</strong> HMP during the implementation of the <strong>Guam</strong> IntegratedSolid Waste Management <strong>Plan</strong>• Consideration of the 2011 <strong>Guam</strong> HMP by the <strong>Guam</strong> Housing and Urban Renewal Authority(GHURA) during use of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)Disaster Recovery Initiative Program funds• Consideration of the 2011 <strong>Guam</strong> HMP by the GHURA in relation to CIPs• Consideration of the 2011 <strong>Guam</strong> HMP by the <strong>Guam</strong> Power Authority (GPA) in relation toCIPs3-8

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