1 1 Symposium Chemosensory Receptors Satellite DEVELOPMENT ...

1 1 Symposium Chemosensory Receptors Satellite DEVELOPMENT ...

1 1 Symposium Chemosensory Receptors Satellite DEVELOPMENT ...


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409 Poster Central Taste and <strong>Chemosensory</strong> BehaviorCORRELATING BEHAVIORAL AND PHYSIOLOGICALMEASURES OF ODOR DETECTION IN THE MOTHMANDUCA SEXTACarrell L.A. 1 , Mwilaria E. 1 , Daly K.C. 1 1 Biology, West VirginiaUniversity, Morgantown, WVOlfactory systems must detect and discriminate odors whilemaintaining a degree of perceptual invariance of identity in a highlyvariable environment. The goals of this study were to measureconditioned response (CR) probabilities to odors as a function of odorconcentration and to correlate these measures to physiological measuresof antennal input. Using Pavlovian olfactory-learning, we characterizeddetection thresholds in the moth M. sexta. Moths were conditioned torespond to an odor (CS) at neat concentration and then post tested at 24and 48 h, first with a blank and then with the CS across a 5 log stepmineral oil dilution series. Stimuli were presented from low to high(starting at 5 µg/µl) to prevent extinction. Detection thresholds weredefined as the lowest concentration at which the CR probability wassignificantly greater than that elicited by the blank. Results indicatedodor specific thresholds. Analysis of variance indicated that CRprobability varied by; sex, test day, conditioning odor andconcentration. Furthermore, there was a significant interaction betweenconcentration and odor indicating odor specific dose response functions.Next, we measured electroantennogram responses to the same odorantsacross the same concentration series in order to correlate our behavioralmeasures with physiological evidence of detection. Results of theseexperiments indicate a close correspondence between the two measuressuggesting that behavioral measures accurately reflect underlyingphysiological evidence of sensory detection. This work was supportedby NIH-DC05535 to KCD & NIH-RR015574 to GS & KCD.411 Poster Central Taste and <strong>Chemosensory</strong> BehaviorMORE TIME MEANS BETTER DETECTION ANDDISCRIMINATION OF ODORANTS IN THE HONEYBEE (APISMELLIFERA)Smith B.H. 1 , Wright G. 2 , Carlton M. 3 1 Life Sciences, Arizona StateUniversity, Tempe, AZ; 2 School of Biology, University of Newcastleupon Tyne, Newcastle, United Kingdom; 3 Entomology, Ohio StateUniversity, Columbus, OHPhysiological studies of the Antennal Lobe (AL) and Olfactory Bulb(OB) have revealed that sensory input to these neuropils is transformedover a short time period during and after odor stimulation. The temporalnature of this transformation is likely to arise from processing by localneural networks. Yet, the role of this transformation in olfactory codingremains controversial. If time is important for the production of thecode for odor identity, we hypothesize that both stimulus duration andstimulus concentration will affect odor recognition. Here, we testwhether these parameters of odor stimuli affect odor recognition byhoneybees using Proboscis Extension Response conditioning. We firstevaluated the effect of different stimulus durations (200, 500, 800, 1000and 2000 ms) and three different stimulus concentrations (0.0002, 0.02,2.0 M) on detectability and discriminability of odorants. We thenevaluated the effect of two training durations (200 and 1000 ms) onresponse at the five durations and three stimulus concentrations listedabove of the same odor. In general, increasing stimulus durationincreased both detectability and discriminability of odorants. However,increasing the concentration of the stimulus improved detection anddiscrimination at shorter stimulus durations. Response latencies wereapproximately 500 ms, but animals continued to sample odor beyondthe initiation of a response. This work was supported by an award fromNIH-NIDCD (DC007997).410 Poster Central Taste and <strong>Chemosensory</strong> BehaviorTHE EFFECT OF INTENSITY ON DISCRIMINATIONLEARNING AND PERFORMANCE IN THE MOTH MANDUCASEXTAMwilaria E. 1 , Carrell L.A. 1 , Daly K.C. 1 1 Biology, West VirginiaUniversity, Morgantown, WVUnderlying the ability to discriminate olfactory stimuli are neuralresponses with both spatial and temporal components. Our goals wereto behaviorally characterize the effect of stimulus concentration on bothdiscrimination learning and discrimination performance. Groups of M.sexta moths were differentially conditioned to respond to one odorant(CS+) but not another (CS-) using a Pavlovian paradigm. Moths wereconditioned with neat odorants to control for salience-dependentlearning effects. At 24 and 48 h post conditioning, moths were testedwith a blank then the CS+ and CS- (pseudo-randomly) across a 5 logstep series of increasing concentration (starting at 5 µg/µl) to avoidextinction. ANOVA indicated that differential conditioned responses tothe CS+ and CS- were both concentration-dependent and dependent onwhich odorant of a pair was reinforced. Subsequent comparison ofdifferences in detection thresholds between odorant pairs accuratelypredicted this odor-dependent effect. To assess the effect of salience ondiscrimination learning, as well as cross validate the above odordependenteffect, groups of moths were differentially conditioned atlower concentrations in the dilution series. These groups were tested atthe conditioning and at neat concentrations 24 and 48 h afterconditioning. ANOVA results confirmed the odor-dependent effect andindicated that conditioning at lower concentrations had a minor effecton discrimination performance. These results provide a behavioral basisfor future matched neurophysiological studies.This work was supportedby NIH-DC05535 to KCD & NIH-RR015574 to GS & KCD.412 Poster Central Taste and <strong>Chemosensory</strong> BehaviorANATOMICAL AND BEHAVIORAL INVESTIGATIONS OF INOVO ODOR SENSITIVITY AND ODOR IMPRINTING INCHICK EMBRYOSCelii A. 1 , De Jesus S. 1 , Gomez G. 1 1 Biology., University of Scranton,Scranton, PAThe chick olfactory system begins development at embryonic day 8(E8) and is known to be functional by E15. Studies have shown thatchick embryos exposed to odorants in ovo prefer these odorants afterhatching, suggesting that the olfactory system perceives and decodesodor stimuli during development. This in ovo experience may shape theanimals´ behavior post-hatching, presumably to make them more welladaptedto their immediate surroundings. We employed anatomical andbehavioral approaches to study the timecourse of development of theolfactory system in ovo. Chick embryos were exposed to amyl acetateor phenylethyl alcohol for 3 day periods from E12 through E21. Uponhatching and for two days after birth, chicks were tested for theirpreference for “familiar” versus “unfamiliar” odorants using a T-maze.A subset of chick embryos were taken at E20 and their olfactory bulbswere fixed and tested for cFos immunoreactivity to determine olfactorybulb activation as a result of odorant exposure. Preliminary resultsshow that chicks prefer familiar odorants that were given during, but notprior, to E15 through E18. Anatomical staining patterns suggestdifferences in odorant-elicited bulbar activation corresponding to thistime window. These results collectively suggest that the critical periodfor odor imprinting occurs between E15 and E18, highlighting theimportance of the sensory environment in shaping the developmentalpathways of the olfactory system. This work is part of theundergraduate Honors research of AC and SJ and is supported byinternal research funds from the University of Scranton.103

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