PDF (7.3 MB) - GILDEMEISTER Interim Report 3rd Quarter 2012

PDF (7.3 MB) - GILDEMEISTER Interim Report 3rd Quarter 2012

PDF (7.3 MB) - GILDEMEISTER Interim Report 3rd Quarter 2012

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184Consolidated Financial Statements of gildemeister Aktiengesellschaft: Notes to the Consolidated Financial StatementsFor liabilities to banks of € 107,129 k (previous year: € 111,739 k), no significantdifferences between the carrying amount and fair market value arise due to the mainlyshort terms.32 trade creditorsand other long-termliabilitiesLong-term financial liabilities are shown as follows:31 Dec. 2010 31 Dec. 2009€ k € kTrade creditors 417 166Other long-term liabilities 24,057 24,63924,474 24,805Trade creditors are classified as financial liabilities.Other long-term financial liabilities include the following items:31 Dec. 2010 31 Dec. 2009€ k € kLiabilities from finance lease arrangements 2,662 1,545Fair market value of derivative financial instruments 17,512 18,530Debtors with credit balance 0 0Other long-term financial liabilities 793 1,20520,967 21,280consolidated financialstatementsLiabilities arising from finance leases amounted to € 2,662 k (previous year:€ 1,545 k) and show the discounted value of future payments from finance leases. Theseare liabilities arising from finance leases for buildings.Fair market values of derivative financial instruments apply to fair market valuesof interest rate swaps in an amount of € 17,512 k (previous year: € 18,347 k and forforwards in an amount of € 183 k).In other financial liabilities, the fair market value of non-current liabilities correspondsto the carrying amount values. Payables that, in legal terms, arise after the end ofthe reporting period, only have a minor impact on the company's financial situation.

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