PDF (7.3 MB) - GILDEMEISTER Interim Report 3rd Quarter 2012

PDF (7.3 MB) - GILDEMEISTER Interim Report 3rd Quarter 2012

PDF (7.3 MB) - GILDEMEISTER Interim Report 3rd Quarter 2012

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Results of Operations, Financial Position and Net Worth: Segmental <strong>Report</strong>ing 51key figuresChanges“machine tools” segment 2010 2009** 2010 against 2009€ million € million € million %Sales revenuesTotal 769.9 757.7 12.2 2Domestic 280.2 331.0 – 50.8 – 15International 489.7 426.7 63.0 15% International 64 56Order intakeTotal 854.2 568.0 286.2 50Domestic 303.9 186.0 117.9 63International 550.3 382.0 168.3 44% International 64 67Order backlog*Total 335.0 250.7 84.3 34Domestic 44.8 21.1 23.7 112International 290.2 229.6 60.6 26% International 87 92Investments 22.4 19.2 3.2 17Employees 2,887 2,958 – 71 – 2plus trainees 210 250 – 40 – 16Total employees* 3,097 3,208 – 111 – 3ebitda 26.8 3.0 23.8ebit 6.2 – 18.1 24.3ebt – 5.8 – 31.3 25.5business reportFinancial Position / Net Worth* <strong>Report</strong>ing date December 31** Previous year’s figures adjustedThe “Machine Tools” segment once again showed a clear upwards trend in orderintake in financial year 2010. This development was also reflected in the fourth quarter insales revenues and earnings: Sales revenues reached € 258.8 million (+38%). For theentire year, “Machine Tools” achieved sales revenues of € 769.9 million and in doing soslightly exceeded the previous year’s level (€ 757.7 million). Domestic sales revenuesdeclined by 15% or € 50.8 million to € 280.2 million (previous year: € 331.0 million).International sales revenues grew by 15% or € 63.0 million to € 489.7 million (previousyear: € 426.7 million). International sales accounted for 64% (previous year: 56%).The “Machine Tools” segment contributed 56% of sales revenues (previous year:64%). The milling technology of deckel maho contributed 36% (previous year: 42%);ultrasonic / lasertec accounted for 3% (previous year: 3%). The turning technology ofgildemeister accounted for 17% (previous year: 19%).The sales quantity of new machines rose compared with the previous year by 54%to 5,089 (previous year. 3,298).

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