NMICS 2010 Report - Central Bureau of Statistics

NMICS 2010 Report - Central Bureau of Statistics

NMICS 2010 Report - Central Bureau of Statistics


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<strong>NMICS</strong> <strong>2010</strong>, Mid- and Far Western RegionsMICS4 INDICATOR Module Numerator Denominator MDG3.1 Tuberculosis immunizationcoverageIM Number <strong>of</strong> children aged 12–23months who received BCG vaccinebefore their first birthday3.2 Polio immunization coverage IM Number <strong>of</strong> children aged 12–23months who received OPV3 vaccinebefore their first birthday3.3 Immunization coverage fordiphtheria, pertussis andtetanus (DPT)3.4 Measles immunizationcoverageVaccination against JapaneseencephalitisIM Number <strong>of</strong> children aged 12–23months who received DPT3 vaccinebefore their first birthdayIM Number <strong>of</strong> children aged 12–23months who received measlesvaccine before their first birthdayNumber <strong>of</strong> children aged 1–4 yearscurrently vaccinated againstJapanese encephalitis3.7 Neonatal tetanus protection MN Number <strong>of</strong> women aged 15–49 yearswith a live birth in the 2 yearspreceding the survey who were givenat least two doses <strong>of</strong> tetanus toxoidvaccine within the appropriateinterval prior to giving birth3.8 Oral rehydration therapy withcontinued feeding3.9 Care-seeking for suspectedpneumonia3.10 Antibiotic treatment <strong>of</strong>suspected pneumoniaCACACANumber <strong>of</strong> children under five withdiarrhoea in the previous 2 weekswho received ORT (ORS packet orrecommended homemade fluid orincreased fluids) and continuedfeeding during the episode <strong>of</strong>diarrhoeaNumber <strong>of</strong> children under five withsuspected pneumonia in theprevious 2 weeks who were taken toan appropriate health providerNumber <strong>of</strong> children under five withsuspected pneumonia in theprevious 2 weeks who receivedantibiotics3.11 Solid fuels HC Number <strong>of</strong> household members inhouseholds that use solid fuels as theprimary source <strong>of</strong> domestic energy tocook3.17 Anti-malarial treatment <strong>of</strong>children under five the sameor next day3.18 Anti-malarial treatment <strong>of</strong>children under five4.1 Use <strong>of</strong> improved drinkingwater sourcesMLMLWSNumber <strong>of</strong> children under fivereported to have had fever in theprevious 2 weeks who were treatedwith any anti-malarial drug withinthe same or next day <strong>of</strong> onset <strong>of</strong>symptomsNumber <strong>of</strong> children under fivereported to have had fever in theprevious 2 weeks who received anyanti-malarial treatmentNumber <strong>of</strong> household membersusing improved sources <strong>of</strong> drinkingwater4.2 Water treatment WS Number <strong>of</strong> household membersusing unimproved drinking waterwho use an appropriate treatmentmethod4.3 Use <strong>of</strong> improved sanitationfacilitiesWSNumber <strong>of</strong> household membersusing improved sanitation facilitieswhich are not shared4.4 Safe disposal <strong>of</strong> child’s faeces CA Number <strong>of</strong> children aged 0–2 yearswhose (last) stools were disposed <strong>of</strong>safelyTotal number <strong>of</strong> children aged 12–23monthsTotal number <strong>of</strong> children aged 12–23monthsTotal number <strong>of</strong> children aged 12–23monthsTotal number <strong>of</strong> children aged 12–23monthsTotal number <strong>of</strong> children aged 1–4yearsTotal number <strong>of</strong> women aged 15–49years with a live birth in the 2 yearspreceding the surveyTotal number <strong>of</strong> children under fivewith diarrhoea in the previous 2weeksTotal number <strong>of</strong> children under fivewith suspected pneumonia in theprevious 2 weeksTotal number <strong>of</strong> children under fivewith suspected pneumonia in theprevious 2 weeksTotal number <strong>of</strong> household membersTotal number <strong>of</strong> children under fivereported to have had fever in theprevious 2 weeksTotal number <strong>of</strong> children under fivereported to have had fever in theprevious 2 weeks4.36.8Total number <strong>of</strong> household members 7.8Total number <strong>of</strong> household membersin households using unimproveddrinking water sourcesTotal number <strong>of</strong> household members 7.9Total number <strong>of</strong> children aged 0–2years235

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