NMICS 2010 Report - Central Bureau of Statistics

NMICS 2010 Report - Central Bureau of Statistics

NMICS 2010 Report - Central Bureau of Statistics


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<strong>NMICS</strong> <strong>2010</strong>, Mid- and Far Western RegionsMICS4 INDICATOR Module Numerator Denominator MDG4.5 Place for hand-washing HW Number <strong>of</strong> households with adesignated place for hand washingwhere water and soap are present4.6 Availability <strong>of</strong> soap HW Number <strong>of</strong> households with soapanywhere in the dwellingDistance between latrine andhand-washing placeNumber <strong>of</strong> households with latrineand hand-washing place5.3 Contraceptive prevalence rate CP Number <strong>of</strong> women aged 15–49 yearscurrently married or in union whoare using (or whose partner is using)a (modern or traditional)contraceptive method5.4 Unmet need UN Number <strong>of</strong> women aged 15–49 yearswho are currently married or inunion who are fecund and want tospace their births or limit the number<strong>of</strong> children they have and who arenot currently using contraception5.5a5.5bAntenatal care coverage MN Number <strong>of</strong> women aged 15–49 yearswho were attended duringpregnancy in the 2 years precedingthe survey(a) at least once by skilled personnel(b) at least four times by anyprovider5.6 Content <strong>of</strong> antenatal care MN Number <strong>of</strong> women aged 15–49 yearswith a live birth in the 2 yearspreceding the survey who had theirblood pressure measured and gaveurine and blood samples during thelast pregnancy5.7 Skilled attendant at delivery MN Number <strong>of</strong> women aged 15–49 yearswith a live birth in the 2 yearspreceding the survey who wereattended during childbirth by skilledhealth personnel5.8 Institutional deliveries MN Number <strong>of</strong> women aged 15–49 yearswith a live birth in the 2 yearspreceding the survey who deliveredin a health facility5.9 Caesarean section MN Number <strong>of</strong> last live births in the 2years preceding the survey who weredelivered by caesarean sectionNewborn care practices innon-institutional deliveriesFirst-time newborn bathingpracticeNumber <strong>of</strong> live births in the twoyears preceding the survey who weredried before placenta was deliveredNumber <strong>of</strong> live births in the twoyears preceding the survey who werewrapped in a separate clothNumber <strong>of</strong> live births in the twoyears preceding the survey who werebathed for the first time6.1 Support for learning EC Number <strong>of</strong> children aged 36–59months with whom an adult hasengaged in four or more activities topromote learning and schoolreadiness in the past 3 days6.2 Father’s support for learning EC Number <strong>of</strong> children aged 36–59months whose father has engaged inone or more activities to promotelearning and school readiness in thepast 3 days6.3 Learning materials: children’sbooksECNumber <strong>of</strong> children under five whohave three or more children’s booksTotal number <strong>of</strong> householdsTotal number <strong>of</strong> householdsTotal number <strong>of</strong> households where ahand-washing place was observedTotal number <strong>of</strong> women aged 15–49years who are currently married or inunionTotal number <strong>of</strong> women aged 15–49years who are currently married or inunionTotal number <strong>of</strong> women aged 15–49years with a live birth in the 2 yearspreceding the surveyTotal number <strong>of</strong> women aged 15–49years with a live birth in the 2 yearspreceding the surveyTotal number <strong>of</strong> women aged 15–49years with a live birth in the 2 yearspreceding the surveyTotal number <strong>of</strong> women aged 15–49years with a live birth in the 2 yearspreceding the surveyTotal number <strong>of</strong> last live births in the2 years preceding the surveyTotal number <strong>of</strong> women aged 15–49with live birthsTotal number <strong>of</strong> women aged 15–49with live birthsTotal number <strong>of</strong> women aged 15–49with live birth in the previous 2 yearsthat did not deliver in an institutionTotal number <strong>of</strong> children aged 36–59monthsTotal number <strong>of</strong> children aged 36–59monthsTotal number <strong>of</strong> children under five5.

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