coulomb excitation data analysis codes; gosia 2007 - Physics and ...

coulomb excitation data analysis codes; gosia 2007 - Physics and ...

coulomb excitation data analysis codes; gosia 2007 - Physics and ...


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to that of the previous experiment, for example if the experiments differ only by the scattering angle.In this case the next three records need not be entered.IP(1)..IP(NANG(I)) Identifies the γ detectors used in a given experiment according to the sequencethe “physical“ detectors were defined in the input to OP,GDET (Section 5.10). For example, ifIP(L) =K, then it is understood that the L-th detector used in the current experiment is the K-th detector defined in the OP,GDET input. This assignment of “physical“ detectors to the “logical“ones is the only instance the “physical“ detectors are referred to. Everywhere else the γ detectors arethe “logical“ detectors.θ 1 ,...θ NANG(I) θ angles for γ detectors used in experiment I.φ 1 ,...φ NANG(I 0 ) φ angles for γ detectors used in experiment I.The above sequence, starting from the definition of IP should be repeated for each of NEXP experimentsdefined, except of the experiments for which NANG is negative. The experiments must be ordered accordingto the sequence they appear in EXPT input.NS1, NS2 The transition from NS1 to NS2 to be used as the normalization transition where NS1<strong>and</strong> NS2 are the state indices.End of input for OP,COUL. The remainder of the input is required only if OP,GOSI was specified.NDST Number of <strong>data</strong> sets in experiment 1. Usually equal to NANG(1), unless detector clusters weredefinedinOP,RAW.UPL 1 ...UPL n Upper limits for all γ detectors used in experiment 1.YNRM 1 ....YNRM n Relative normalization factors of γ detectors used in experiment 1.The above three records should be repeated for all experiments according to the sequence of EXPT, exceptfor those assigned the negative value of NANG. Subscript n = NDST denotes the number of <strong>data</strong> sets.NTAP Specifies file containing experimental yields. NTAP=0 is used when this file is not necessary,e.g. when running OP,STAR or OP,POIN under OP,GOSI. Otherwise NTAP=3 or 4 corresponding tofile TAPE3 or TAPE4, respectively. NTAP must equal 3 if OP,CORR is executed <strong>and</strong> must equal 4 ifOP,ERRO is executed.NBRA, WBRANumber <strong>and</strong> weight of branching ratios.I1, I2, I3, I4, B, DB... NBRA records of branching ratios.· (I1 → I2)/(I3 → I4) = B/DB where I 1 ≡ I 3 <strong>and</strong>· where I1,I2,I3,I4 are state indices, B is the branching ratio with error DB. Note I1 =I3 is theinitial state that γ decays <strong>and</strong> I2,I4 are the final states.NL, WLNumber <strong>and</strong> weight of mean lifetimes.INDEX, T, DTT/DT is the mean lifetime of level INDEX.··· NL records, lifetimes in picosecondsNDL, WDLNumber <strong>and</strong> weight of E2/M1 multipole mixing ratios.IS, IF, DELTA, ERROR··· NDL recordsδ E2M1(IS → IF)=DELTA ± ERRORNAMX, WAMXNumber <strong>and</strong> weight of known EM matrix elements.111

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