coulomb excitation data analysis codes; gosia 2007 - Physics and ...

coulomb excitation data analysis codes; gosia 2007 - Physics and ...

coulomb excitation data analysis codes; gosia 2007 - Physics and ...


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5 INPUT INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE COMPUTER CODE GOSIA5.1 ORGANIZATIONInput, execution <strong>and</strong> control of the code GOSIA is achieved by specifying a given sequence of option comm<strong>and</strong>s.These option comm<strong>and</strong>s are activated using the input format OP,– where – designates the fourcharacteralphanumeric name of the option comm<strong>and</strong>. Some options are used for input or selection of inputneeded for specific tasks, while other options execute appropriate modules of the code.The code GOSIA can operate in either of two mutually exclusive modes. The first, activated by theoption OP,COUL, performs the calculation of Coulomb <strong>excitation</strong> probabilities <strong>and</strong> γ-ray yields for a fixedset of the matrix elements. No fitting of matrix elements to experimental <strong>data</strong> is performed if OP,COULhas been selected. The other mode, activated by the comm<strong>and</strong> OP,GOSI, should be used if a least-squaresfit of matrix elements to experimental <strong>data</strong> is desired. The user is free to use any other option comm<strong>and</strong>sin conjunction with either the OP,COUL or the OP,GOSI comm<strong>and</strong>s consistent with an obvious logic. Forexample, the code cannot calculate Coulomb <strong>excitation</strong> amplitudes if the level scheme is not defined, also itcannot execute the fit-related comm<strong>and</strong>s if OP,COUL has been selected. The input to the option comm<strong>and</strong>sOP,COUL <strong>and</strong> OP,GOSI contains suboptions for which the prefix OP, is not appended to the name.A summary of all available options is given below. Detailed descriptions of each option <strong>and</strong> suboptioncomm<strong>and</strong> are given in alphabetical order in the subsection of this chapter listed next to the name of eachoption. Details of the file manipulation procedures are given in Chapter 7. The names of the optioncomm<strong>and</strong>s are truncated to four characters. Full, self-explanatory names are given in parentheses in thefollowing description.CONT (CONTROL) (5.3):Suboption of OP,COUL <strong>and</strong> OP,GOSI which is used to control <strong>and</strong> select various optional features ofthe code for both execution <strong>and</strong> output. This option can be omitted in which case default parameterswill be used.–––––OP,CORR (CORRECT) (5.4):Execution option to modify the experimental <strong>data</strong> to correct for the difference between the integratedyield calculations <strong>and</strong> the point values used for calculation of the Coulomb <strong>excitation</strong> cross sections<strong>and</strong> γ-ray yields, as described in detail in 4.4.–––––OP,COUL (COULEX) (5.5):Activates the simple <strong>excitation</strong>/de<strong>excitation</strong> mode. No fit of matrix elements to the <strong>data</strong> is made withthis option in contrast to OP,GOSI. Consequently, the appreciable input required for the fit procedurecan be skipped. OP,COUL contains the following suboptions:–––––LEVE(Section 5.13)ME(Section 5.15)EXPTSection 5.8)CONT(Section 5.3)58

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