coulomb excitation data analysis codes; gosia 2007 - Physics and ...

coulomb excitation data analysis codes; gosia 2007 - Physics and ...

coulomb excitation data analysis codes; gosia 2007 - Physics and ...


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are available using positive <strong>and</strong> negative values of ∆M k . In addition, J ki can be evaluated using the i-thcomponent of the gradient at perturbed M k or using the k-th component of the gradient with perturbedM i . Since the quadratic approximation 6.1 is not fully adequate, the averaging procedure must be used tocancel the difference between various estimates <strong>and</strong> to preserve the symmetry of J. Furthermore, for thematrix elements M k for which the full error calculation was not performed only the diagonal element J kk isassumed to be non-zero, i.e., the correlation is neglected. The estimate of J kk is this case results from:∆S =1= 1 2 J kk∆M k (6.42)where ∆M k is the average diagonal error of M k , i.e., the mean value of the negative <strong>and</strong> positive deviations.The method presented above allows to estimate the errors of the collective parameters <strong>and</strong> their distributionswith the reasonable efficiency. However, one must be aware of the scope of the approximationsused, which do not allow treating the estimated errors very rigorously, providing only a crude estimate ofthe determined accuracy the sum rules.6.2.3 INPUT INSTRUCTIONSSIGMA reads in the input file, which must be called SIGMA.INP <strong>and</strong> in addition three permanent filescreated by GOSIA, referred to in SIGMA as filename.err [TAPE11], filename.smr [TAPE12] <strong>and</strong> sixj.tab[TAPE3].The input file selects the mode of calculation <strong>and</strong> should be given as:ILNSTI(1)I(2)filename.smr corresponding to SIGMA TAPE12filename.err corresponding to SIGMA TAPE11sixj.tab corresponding to SIGMA TAPE3· only if 0< NST ≤ 75I(NST)That is, the input file comprises two switches, three filenames, followed by the list of states for which allerrors are to be calculated (NST records) where:IL may be either 0 or 1. IL =1will cause the printout of the matrix elements (by their indices)involved in the evaluation of 14 invariants calculated for each state. The invariants are numbered from 1 to14 according to the sequence they appear in the first column of the output table (see the sample output atthe end of this chapter). IL =0will cause no compilation of this list.NST selects the mode of error calculation. Three special values of NST: NST = −1, NST =0orNST =99require no further input. NST = −1 is used if only the invariants <strong>and</strong> the resulting statisticalmoments (given in the second column of the output table) are to be calculated <strong>and</strong> no error estimation isrequested. In this mode SIGMA can be used independently of GOSIA <strong>and</strong> the information concerning thelevel scheme <strong>and</strong> coupling scheme, normally produced by GOSIA, must be provided by the user (see thedescription of the TAPE files below). NST =0implies that the error calculation is to be performed onlyfor Q 2 ,threevaluesofv(Q 2 ) <strong>and</strong> four values of cos3δ for all states, while NST =99specifies the errors tobe estimated for every statistical moment for all states. The reason for this distinction is that the statisticalmoments based on the sixth-order invariants are usually not meaningful due to the number of the matrixelements involved <strong>and</strong> the resulting error propagation. Also, calculation of these invariants is most timeconsuming.Usually, it is practical to calculate all the errors only for the few lowest-lying states. This can be126

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