coulomb excitation data analysis codes; gosia 2007 - Physics and ...

coulomb excitation data analysis codes; gosia 2007 - Physics and ...

coulomb excitation data analysis codes; gosia 2007 - Physics and ...


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5.18 OP,POIN (POINT CALCULATION)This option comm<strong>and</strong> causes execution of a calculation of the γ-ray yields for one scattering angle <strong>and</strong>one bombarding energy as specified for each experiment in EXPT. OP,POIN can be used to simulate’corrected’ experimental γ yields. In this mode OP,POIN also generates a ’corrected experimental yieldsfile’ on TAPE4, which can be used subsequently for simulating the real experiments (e.g. to analyze theinfluence of the matrix elements on the supposedly observed yields). Note: when executing OP,POIN oneshould set the experimental yields file selector (NTAP in OP,YIEL input) to 0 - see 5.29. Section 7.4.3 showsthe correct location of OP,POIN in the input stream.The input to OP,POIN is as follows:OP, POINIFL, YLIM IFL =0 specifies the normal calculation, IFL =1 the ’simulation’ calculation. YLIMis redundant if IFL =0,whereasifIFL =1 it specifies that all transitions whose yield divided bythe yield of the normalizing transition (defined in OP,YIEL) exceeds YLIM will be treated as ’experimentallyobservables’ <strong>and</strong> will be included in the TAPE4 file. OP,POIN will also produce a filecontaining the γ detector efficiency information if OP,RAW was executed <strong>and</strong> PRT, flag 20 was set to1 (TAPE23). Note that the decay energies in TAPE23 output are Doppler-shifted.Note that OP.POIN evaluates the point γ-ray yield in the laboratory frame for transition I → I f that isdefined by equation 4.16. That is:ZY Point d 2 σ(I → I f )(I → I f )=sin(θ p )dφφ pdΩ γ dΩ p (4.16)pwhere the integr<strong>and</strong> is given byd 2 σ(I → I f )dΩ p dΩ γ= σ R (θ p ) X R kχ (I,I f ; θ p )P kχ (θ γ )(2 cos χ(φ p − φ γ ) − δ χ0 ) (4.13)kχ≥0Note that Y Point (I → I f ) includes the Rutherford cross section, the sin(θ p ) term, integration over theprojectile φ p angle, the deorientation effect <strong>and</strong> γ-detector Q K attenuation coefficients.The total number of coincident γ-raysdetectedthenisgivenbyCounts =10 −27 ·∙ Qˆqe¸·∙NAA¸· [ρdx] · Y Point (I → I f ) · ∆θ p · ε p · ε γ · ∆Ω γwhere:Q is the integrated beam charge [C]ˆq the average charges state of the beame the proton charge [1.602 × 10 −19 C]N A Avogadro number [6.022 × 10 23 atoms/mol]A Target mass number [g/mol]ρdx areal target thickness in [g/cm 2 ]Y Point mb(I → I f ) OP.POIN output in [sr·rad ]∆θ p Projectile scattering angle range [rad]ε p particle detection efficiency per unit solid angleε γ γ-ray detector efficiency excluding the geometrical solid angle∆Ω γ geometrical solid angle of the γ-ray detector. Note that usually one only knows the productε γ · ∆Ω γ97

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