coulomb excitation data analysis codes; gosia 2007 - Physics and ...

coulomb excitation data analysis codes; gosia 2007 - Physics and ...

coulomb excitation data analysis codes; gosia 2007 - Physics and ...


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where :d 2 σ= σ R (θ p ) X R kχ (I,I f )Y kχ (θ γ ,φdΩ p dΩ γ ) (2.41)γkχR kχ (I,I f )=12γ(I) √ π G Xkρ kχλλ 0 δ λ δ ∗ λ 0,F k (λλ, I f I) (2.42)is the decay statistical tensor describing the mixed electric <strong>and</strong> magnetic transition from a state I to a stateI f . The Coulomb <strong>excitation</strong> statistical tensors are purely real for even values of k in the frame of coordinatesintroduced above, thus ρ kχ = ρ ∗ kχ. Moreover, taking into account the selection rules for electromagnetictransitions, it is easily seen that the products δ λ δ ∗ λ, also are real. Consequently, the decay statistical tensorsare purely real.The above formulas describe γ-decay of a level fed directly <strong>and</strong> exclusively by Coulomb <strong>excitation</strong>. Withmultiple <strong>excitation</strong>, however, significant feeding from the decay of higher-lying levels must be taken intoaccount. The related modification of the statistical tensors can be expressed as:R kχ (I,I f ) −→ R kχ (I,I f )+ X nR kχ (I n ,I)H k (I,I n ) (2.43)where the summation extends over all levels I n directly feeding level I. The explicit formula for the H kcoefficients is:H k (I,I n )= [(2I +1)(2I n +1)] 1/2γ(I)X½(−1) I+In+λ+k |δ λ | 2 I(1 + c(λ))λI nII nkλ¾(2.44)where c(λ) is the internal conversion coefficient for the I n → I transition. Note that for an electric monopoletransition c(0) = 0. Formula 2.44 is used to sequentially modify the de<strong>excitation</strong> statistical tensors, startingfrom the highest levels having non-negligible population. This operation transforms the de<strong>excitation</strong> statisticaltensors,whichareinsertedinto2.41to give the unperturbed angular distributions following Coulomb<strong>excitation</strong>.In addition, it is necessary to take into account experiment-related perturbations, namely the effects ofthe detection methods <strong>and</strong> relativistic corrections due to in-flight decay. These effects can be significantwhen using thin targets <strong>and</strong> heavy ion beams. An overview of the methods used in GOSIA to account forexperimental perturbations is presented in the following subsections.2.2.1 Nuclear Deorientation EffectIn typical Coulomb <strong>excitation</strong> experiments, both the projectile <strong>and</strong> target particles recoil into vacuum inhighly excited ionic states which subsequently decay to a ground state. The fluctuating atomic hyperfinefields cause the depolarization of the nuclear states; this effect is known as the nuclear deorientation effect.This in turn causes an attenuation of the angular distribution of the γ-rays which can be taken into accountedby introducing the spin <strong>and</strong> lifetime dependent attenuation coefficients G k , multiplying the decay statisticaltensors. The Abragam <strong>and</strong> Pound theory [ABR53] has been used extensively to describe nuclear deorientation<strong>and</strong> has proven to work well in cases where the particles recoil into high-pressure gas. However, significantdiscrepancies from the Abragam <strong>and</strong> Pound model were detected for recoil into vacuum. Therefore GOSIAuses a modified version of the two-state deorientation model ( [BOS77], [BRE77]), which seems to correlatewell with existing <strong>data</strong> despite the far-reaching simplification enforced by the complexity of the problem.[KAV89]Within the framework of the two-state model, the electrons may either belong to a “fluctuating“ statewhile the excited electronic structure decays to the atomic ground state or to a “static“ state, correspondingto an equilibrium configuration. Since the <strong>excitation</strong> <strong>and</strong> decay of stripped electron shells is too complicatedto be described exactly, it is assumed that all atomic processes taking place in the fluctuating state arepurely r<strong>and</strong>om. The rate of transition from the fluctating to static state, Λ ∗ , is an adjustable parameter ofthe model. The time-dependent deorientation coefficients G k (t) then are given by :21

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