Studies on Policy Option for Quality Seed Production and ... - NFPCSP

Studies on Policy Option for Quality Seed Production and ... - NFPCSP

Studies on Policy Option for Quality Seed Production and ... - NFPCSP


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variety `Swarna’ has leaked through the border <strong>and</strong> is dominating the areas in Rajshahi, Jessore<strong>and</strong> Dinajpur.7) Farmers claim that rice grain/seed producti<strong>on</strong> is not profitable under the existing market pricedue to high input prices <strong>and</strong> low selling price of the rice grains/seeds. The survey data <strong>and</strong> PRAfindings support their view al<strong>on</strong>gwith the cost computati<strong>on</strong> that the investment in ricecultivati<strong>on</strong> can produce BCR <strong>on</strong>ly up to the 1.22-1.34. The seed producti<strong>on</strong> by C<strong>on</strong>tract <strong>Seed</strong>Growers under the umbrella of BADC can promote the BCR up to 2.12 <strong>and</strong> hybrid seedproducti<strong>on</strong> progamme can further boost the BCR up to Crop: Wheat1) The major c<strong>on</strong>straints to wheat seed producti<strong>on</strong> as identified in the study are high price offertilizers, low market price of farmers’ seed, poor wheat yield (due to late sowing),unavailability of good quality seeds, lack of credit facilities against seed storage, crop damageby rat <strong>and</strong> lack of technical support.2) A good number of wheat varieties are being cultivated in the farmers’ field but the cultivati<strong>on</strong>of latest varieties like Prodip, Bijoy <strong>and</strong> Shatabdi is also going quite well. It is ast<strong>on</strong>ishing tothat some of the farmers are still cultivating the old variety S<strong>on</strong>alika <strong>and</strong> Kanchan which arepoor yielders <strong>and</strong> susceptible to various diseases.3) A significant percentage of farmers in particular the small <strong>and</strong> the medium <strong>on</strong>es do not applythe macro (P, K & S) <strong>and</strong> micr<strong>on</strong>utrients (Zn, B etc.) <strong>and</strong> manure, which are recommended <strong>for</strong>successful wheat grain/seed producti<strong>on</strong>. Moreover, all the farmers apply lower rates of manures<strong>and</strong> chemical fertilizers except urea. This imbalanced use of fertilizers causes lower yield ofwheat al<strong>on</strong>g with nutrient mining.4) BADC <strong>and</strong> research seed gave higher yield <strong>on</strong> average 24% compared to that purchased fromother sources like seed dealers, other farmers <strong>and</strong> open market.5) The participant farmers prefer drum (metal <strong>and</strong> plastic) as seed storage c<strong>on</strong>tainer due to its airtightness, durability, less insect attack <strong>and</strong> ‘seed remain good’ quality <strong>and</strong> also they use polybags due to low cost, easy availability <strong>and</strong> air tightness.6) Admixture of wheat seed is the <strong>on</strong>e of the prime characters of farmers’ homegrown seed. It isidentified that most of the farmers generally cultivate wheat <strong>for</strong> grain <strong>and</strong> some porti<strong>on</strong> ofwhich they keep as seed. They do not practice isolati<strong>on</strong> distance <strong>and</strong> rouging. Also, they do nottake any special care during the time of harvesting, threshing <strong>and</strong> drying, whereby theadmixture occurs usually.7) The farmers in the study areas dry the wheat grain/seed <strong>on</strong> the ground (katcha floor), which isnot appropriate <strong>for</strong> reducing the seed moisture c<strong>on</strong>tent up to the `safe storage’ (12%). A fewernumber of farmers use cemented (pucca) floor <strong>and</strong> plastic/cloth <strong>for</strong> seed drying.8) About 60% of the farmers store seeds <strong>for</strong> own use <strong>and</strong> some of them store more <strong>for</strong> sale.Majority of the farmers do not do germinati<strong>on</strong> test properly. They detect good seeds <strong>on</strong>ly byobserving physical appearance like boldness, shining color <strong>and</strong> insect presence.105

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