Annual Report 2012, PDF - Axiata Group Berhad - Investor Relations

Annual Report 2012, PDF - Axiata Group Berhad - Investor Relations

Annual Report 2012, PDF - Axiata Group Berhad - Investor Relations


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NOTES TO THEFINANCIAL STATEMENTSFOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER <strong>2012</strong> (CONTINUED)24. INTANGIBLE ASSETS (CONTINUED)Goodwill Licenses Others Total<strong>Group</strong> RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000At 1 January 2011 (restated)Cost 7,391,335 400,372 – 7,791,707Accumulated amortisation – (108,712) – (108,712)Accumulated impairment losses (77,497) – – (77,497)Net book value 7,313,838 291,660 – 7,605,498The remaining amortisation period of acquired telecommunication licences with allocated spectrum rights rangefrom five (5) years to fourteen (14) years (2011: six (6) years to fifteen (15) years).(a) Impairment tests for goodwillThe <strong>Group</strong> undertakes an annual test for impairment of its CGUs identified according to operating segment.The following CGUs, being the lowest level of asset for which the management monitors the goodwill ofthe <strong>Group</strong>:note 31.12.<strong>2012</strong> 31.12.2011 1.1.2011RM’000 RM’000 RM’000RestatedMalaysia (i) 4,031,110 4,031,110 4,031,110Indonesia (ii) 3,214,803 3,217,713 3,227,853Sri Lanka (i) 206,720 54,875 54,875Total 7,452,633 7,303,698 7,313,838(i)Key assumptions used in the VIUThe recoverable amount of the Malaysia’s and Sri Lanka’s CGU including goodwill in this test isdetermined based on VIU calculation. Malaysia’s CGU consist of mobile business meanwhile Sri Lanka’sCGUs consist of fixed telecommunication business (consist of fixed telephone, data and infrastructure)and television business respectively. The recoverable amount of Sri Lanka’s CGUs including goodwill inthe previous financial year was determined based on FVLCS calculation.The VIU calculation apply a discounted cash flow model using cash flow projections based on forecastsand projections approved by the management covering a three (3) years periods for the mobilebusiness in Malaysia. These forecasts and projections reflect the management’s expectation of revenuegrowth, operating costs and margins for the Malaysia CGU based on past experience and futureoutlook of the CGU based on internal measurements and monitoring and external sources of information.256

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